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Working on a story about TSL modding, I'm a journalist who needs your perspective!

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Hey y'all! My name is Luke Winkie, I'm a journalist who's working on a story for Paste about TSL modding. If you're here, you're obviously a KOTOR super fan, and either involved or a fan of The Sith Lords reclamation, and I'd love to talk to you!


I'm interesting in hearing from people who were part of the reclamation in its heyday a handful of years ago and how the discovery of all that went, but I'm also interested in talking to you if you just simply care a lot about the KOTOR franchise. The Sith Lords is sort of a forgotten artifact in mainstream taste (personally I loved it) and I'm curious to hear about your ongoing love for the game, how you discovered the modding and cut content, and what it meant to you to be able to squeeze a few more hours with these characters. 


So yeah, just send me a PM if you're interested or you can email me at Thanks for reading! 

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