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Hello! Cephas here. As I'm new to modding in kotr I'll probably be around asking more questions but for now I have only one. Down below is a link to what I'm trying to achieve. Somewhat very ambitious for a beginner most likely. Nevertheless, I would like to create new armors for players to wear, armors NPCs wear. For now, specifically the Dark Jedi robes that are shown in the link.


Is there some sort of tutorial / guide for me to learn how to do this? Also, are there any kotr-specific model viewers around for me to DL?


Here's the link I was talking about


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I would start by downloading and exploring KotOR Tool.


Many tutorials to jump into


Don't know about model viewers, someone else might know. Also having something like Photoshop or Gimp might help. I would put a link down for Gimp 2.8, but it appears their domain is not active at the moment.

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