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Download:4 PC Species Soundsets (Booster Pack)

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File Name: 4 PC Species Soundsets (Booster Pack)

File Submitter: redrob41

File Submitted: 01 Aug 2015

File Category: Mods

K1R Compatible: Yes



This mod will allow you to play using an alien speech soundset, thus making your character speak alien languages during simple tasks (like unlocking doors & items, or when entering stealth mode etc). It will complete all missing entries in each of the included ssf files (so that all NPCs will also have full soundsets), and add a few new ones.


4 included soundsets are: Bith (can also be used for Ithorians), Hutt, Jawa, & Tusken (Sand Person).


This is an add-on to my earlier soundset mod (which included 11 alien soundsets). To play as a Wookiee, use Zaalbar's soundset (since it is already complete).


in order to hear the sounds in-game, you will need to use the Kotor Savegame Editor by tk102. KSE is available at


Once you've opened the Editor (see screenshot jpg):

1 - click on the savegame file that you want to edit

2 - highlight the Soundset line

3 - select the new soundset that you want to use

4 - click the Change soundset button. The Soundset line (2) will update.

5 - click the Commit Changes button. This will save all changes that you have made.


It's usually best to do this with a new game (as soon as possible), but you can edit saved games at any time. If you restore a previous save, the changes will not be present.



Click here to download this file

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