RevanFan 6 Posted July 1, 2015 I have a question about the compatibility of several mods with K1R. First off, if there is a list of compatible mods somewhere and I am missing it, please direct me to its location. If not, I have to ask if anyone knows whether or not the following mods are compatible with K1R.;87733;81423;63418;97281 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 997 Posted July 1, 2015 I can only tell you for certain that my Proper Manaan Quest Endings is compatible with K1R. My canon galaxy map should be compatible too, but I'd recommend looking at your Override folder with K1R installed and check if there's a file called galaxymap.gui. If that file exists there could be issues but I don't think it'll be there and please let me know your results And for your first link you can also check if visualeffects.2da is in your Override after installing K1R and if it isn't there shouldn't be any problems. If there is you could still open the incompatible visualeffects.2da with KotOR Tool, compare it with the vanilla one and add any differences to the one K1R installed in your Override. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RevanFan 6 Posted July 3, 2015 I can only tell you for certain that my Proper Manaan Quest Endings is compatible with K1R. My canon galaxy map should be compatible too, but I'd recommend looking at your Override folder with K1R installed and check if there's a file called galaxymap.gui. If that file exists there could be issues but I don't think it'll be there and please let me know your results And for your first link you can also check if visualeffects.2da is in your Override after installing K1R and if it isn't there shouldn't be any problems. If there is you could still open the incompatible visualeffects.2da with KotOR Tool, compare it with the vanilla one and add any differences to the one K1R installed in your Override. Well, I just found out that Bastila on Korriban isn't, but there is a K1R compatible version of it. If no one figures out if no restrictions, force power pack, and Sherruk with lightsabers are compatible, I guess I'll test them myself. Thanks for the reply, by the way. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RevanFan 6 Posted July 4, 2015 I found that K1R does install a visualeffects.2da file, and for the life of me I cannot figure out what I'm doing with the KOTOR Tool. Would installing the visualeffects file that removes the motion blur first, and then installing K1R (which uses the TSL Patcher) over it work? EDIT: It's the same with the No Restrictions mod. There is a spells.2da file in K1R. If I add the No Restrictions mod first, will K1R's TSL Patcher patch over it? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted July 4, 2015 The visualeffects.2da file is added onto by K1R, so doing yours first works. As to the spells.2da, if I recall correctly, the TSLPatcher for the No Restrictions mod should be safe with K1R. Worst-case scenario, put that one in before installing K1R. EDIT: Use this, since it uses the TSLPatcher: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RevanFan 6 Posted July 4, 2015 So, should I install that before or after K1R? Or does it not matter? Also, none of the files included in Sherruk Attacks With Lightsabers are in K1R, so I assume it's compatible. I'll confirm when I start playing, obviously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted July 4, 2015 That one uses the TSLPatcher, so it's safe to install afterwards. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RevanFan 6 Posted July 4, 2015 That one uses the TSLPatcher, so it's safe to install afterwards. Thanks for the help! I'll confirm when I get far enough into the game if the mods I have are completely compatible. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spiritofcat 0 Posted July 5, 2015 I'm getting ready to start a playthrough too. I've downloaded a selection of the confirmed compatible mods from this list: But I've also downloaded a few others that I thought sounded good, and I'd like to know how to determine if they are compatible or not. Here's the list of mods I'm wondering about: That last one, dialogue fixes, is the one I'm most concerned about, since I think K1R also edits dialogue... Edit: Watching the process as I install K1R, I see that modifying dialog.tlk is the first thing it does. Looking into the files of the dialogue fix mod, I see that it just provides a modified dialog.tlk file, no TSL patcher installer. The readme does seem to contain a list of all the fixes it makes though, so maybe I'll try searching the dialog.tlk of K1R and see if this mod is even needed... Edit Again: Got KOTOR Tool and opened dialog.tlk to have a look. Can't find a way of searching for a particular text string, so I can't easily check for the changes that mod makes. Edit once more: Found the Export to XML option, then opening the XML file in a text editor I could search. Found the line containing "Congradulations", so I guess these changes haven't been included in K1R. Is there a way to use TSLPatcher to make the changes, or should I manually search and edit the XML file? MOAR Edit: After installing K1R and all the confirmed compatible mods I wanted, I've now tried installing the Korriban Academy Workbench mod, which requires me to copy its four files into the Override folder. None of them were already there, so I guess it's compatible... Same deal with Juhani catlike head mod. No conflicts with existing files in the Override folder, and no warnings when installing the item section with TSLPatcher. Edit some more: After spending a couple of days thinking about it, I've come to the conclusion that the dialogue fixes mod can probably be used along with everything else as long as I install it first before installing anything else. That way it will replace the original dialog.tlk file with its fixed version, and then K1R and the other mods will all make their own modifications to that file as I install them. I'll try it like that and report back. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Demi God 1 Posted October 9, 2015 hi there: My Dell XPS is running on experience Windows 7 Pro 64 bit by factory. The CPU Intel with 4 cores 3.2 Ghz and the video card is Nvidia Geforce GT 720. The Knights of the Old Republic game screen turned freeze and crashes in the Endire Spire jus when Revan and Trask Ugo just open the Endar Spire's Bridge. My question is Is Kotor game compatible with Windows 7 Pro 64 bit? Is Windows 7 Ultimate better to run this game? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted October 9, 2015 It is indeed compatible. Have you tried adjusting settings like Frame buffer effects, Shadows, and Grass in the Game's Graphic Options or the DisableVertexBufferObjects=1 thing in the .ini file? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites