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Guest R2-X2

[KotOR] Custom Lightsaber crystals

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Guest R2-X2

I'm sure it has been done before, but I couldn't find any posts about it.

Anyway, it's definitely possible:


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Wow, I am actually working on this in my lightsaber mod! :)

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I made my own mod, but only for one crystal. It's too much of a pain in the ass to have to edit so many things for just one new crystal, let alone many.

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Guest R2-X2

I added 5 crystals, and simply made 3 xml files (normal, mantle, heart) of the property lists and then loaded these xmls for all other sabers. Therefore, the only difference in work between 1 or X crystals is when adding them to the first lightsaber, afterwards loading an xml takes the same time regardless of how many you have added. :D

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I added 5 crystals, and simply made 3 xml files (normal, mantle, heart) of the property lists and then loaded these xmls for all other sabers. Therefore, the only difference in work between 1 or X crystals is when adding them to the first lightsaber, afterwards loading an xml takes the same time regardless of how many you have added. :D

I remember getting my crystal to work exactly the way I wanted to with each different saber type, but I know it took me a long time to do so. I may have done it differently than the way you described. It's been over a year though, so I don't remember the specifics.

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Guest R2-X2

What I did (sorted in a more reasonable order):


1. Create the crystal image, name it appropriately (iw_sbrcrstl###)

2. Create the crystal .uti file, setting model to ### and giving it a curstom tag and name

3. Open upgrade.2da and add a line with the correct tag

4. Open a lightsaber, add the desired effects with the new crystal as requirement

5. Save property list as xml

6. Open all other lightsabers, load the xml, save

7. 4-6 for Mantle of the Force and Heart of the Guardian sabers.


In order to get them working in-game when you already have lightsabers, you need to switch the colour crystal at least once, to get a "fresh" saber.

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Guest R2-X2

To avoid any confusion: The crystal icons are not ported from TSL. While I had the Hurricane and Qixoni crystals in mind, these are simple recolours/filters I applied to other K1 crystals in gimp.


Posting this because I was warned that porting is forbidden, something I am well aware of and didn't do.

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