
.tga files editing causes lost of texture mapping??

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I was playing TSL in Harbinger section using A Darker Peragus mod (which involves this map), and not satisfied with door textures I tried to edit them personally.


Well, once found the right .tga file (HAR_Dr01.tga), I used photoshop, overwrited with same name and extension, and launched tsl. But in game the texture was unmapped, simply spread on door model without following door's shape.


I tried with gimp also, same result. Surely i'm doing something really stupid when saving, but after some researches i did not find any explanation. Idk if I am messing with alpha or color depth or what...


Strange is that opening original HAR_Dr01.tga with Preview (Ultra simple photo editor built in Mac) and copy/pasting my new file over the original, and then simply save, texture does not loose mapping. 


Any help?


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Are you using the override folder? Replacements only work for textures with it. Also, are you actually saving as .tga instead of just naming it that?


Also, did you extract with Kotortool when you edited it?



Just trying to eliminate any possible reasons.

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Are you using the override folder? Replacements only work for textures with it. Also, are you actually saving as .tga instead of just naming it that?


Also, did you extract with Kotortool when you edited it?



Just trying to eliminate any possible reasons.


1) Yes, I placed it in Override folder. 


2) Yes, when I save with photoshop (and gimp indeed), I choose specifically .tga format. Program will also ask me for setting 8, 16, or 32 bit (I tried all of them).


3) I don't use KotorTool, I just took this file from a Retexture mod. Can't remember now which one.

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Okay. Did you also collapse the texture (flatten image) in Photoshop before saving it as .tga?


Second, does the .tga from the retextures mod you got it from, work when you try it in your Override, without any edits to it?


Lastly, do you have any screenshots, so we can see what the problem looks like?

(Make sure screens are in the .jpg format as this forum only supports that for screenshots. The screenshots are in .tga format in your Kotor main folder created by hitting print screen while in game.)

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Alright. I got italian version of photoshop, so command names are different sometimes. Your "flatten image" should be mine translated "single level" which merge all levels into one. 










I use the highlighted one. That must be the same.


And yes, the original retexture I placed into override works clean with no problems.




Texture properly working:










Not working










And thank you for helping me :)

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Try to flip the modified texture vertically in Photoshop.

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Sorry for late response, i've been very busy with studies this period. Anyway flipping vertically did not help, I'll try to figure it out... but in the end as i've said before I made it work, using Preview and directly pasting from edited one to the original.


Thanks for your time, I will let you know if something changes :).

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