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AMD CCC Driver compatibility

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Just wanted to post this: I recently restored my system, and updated to newest version of AMD CCC. SWKotor2 wouldn't play with newest drivers installed.

The following is the newest version I have been able to use:

  • Driver Packaging Version - 14.10.1006-140417a-171099C
  • Catalyst Version - 14.4
  • Provider - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  • 2D Driver Version -
  • 2D Driver File Path - /REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/CLASS/{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}/0000
  • Direct3D Version -
  • OpenGL Version -
  • AMD Catalyst Control Center Version - 2014.0417.2226.38446
  • AMD Audio Driver Version -

Everything works fine now - just wondering if it's a setting in CCC or if the newest drivers just aren't compatible



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Are you able to play the game, with every setting under the Graphical options, enabled?
Cause my game runs fine on Win 8.1 32-Bit without any difficulties, even without Compatibility settings, IF I disable Frame Buffer.
Which is an option under graphics, so I'm guessing that my current AMD driver just simply goes: "F**k it, I dunno how to handle this. Here... enjoy the desktop, my friend."
Tried everything in CCC, but nothing works. Even tried the atioglxx_dl files thingy, but that didn't fixed the problem, as well.
So by now, I've just accepted that I have to play with Frame Buffer, disabled. Not saying it's a big deal, cause it's better than nothing, but still... It kinda sticks on the back of your head, and I try looking up something to fix it, but besides that atiogl thing, I found nothing about that issue, except: "ATI doesn't like, so deal with it!" in a nutshell.

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Are you able to play the game, with every setting under the Graphical options, enabled?

Cause my game runs fine on Win 8.1 32-Bit without any difficulties, even without Compatibility settings, IF I disable Frame Buffer.

Which is an option under graphics, so I'm guessing that my current AMD driver just simply goes: "F**k it, I dunno how to handle this. Here... enjoy the desktop, my friend."

Tried everything in CCC, but nothing works. Even tried the atioglxx_dl files thingy, but that didn't fixed the problem, as well.

So by now, I've just accepted that I have to play with Frame Buffer, disabled. Not saying it's a big deal, cause it's better than nothing, but still... It kinda sticks on the back of your head, and I try looking up something to fix it, but besides that atiogl thing, I found nothing about that issue, except: "ATI doesn't like, so deal with it!" in a nutshell.

Yes, I've been able to play the game with all graphics settings at max. There is something about a newer CCC version that just causes the game to freeze and crash when loading a game.


Once I rolled back, I was good to go with no issues. I also have Frame Buffer Effects turned ON. What does happen sometimes is when loading from a saved game or sometimes from a loading screen, the screen will be black and you can hear sound; then I just ALT+Tab and it picks it up okay and I'm good to go.

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Yes, I've been able to play the game with all graphics settings at max. There is something about a newer CCC version that just causes the game to freeze and crash when loading a game.


Once I rolled back, I was good to go with no issues. I also have Frame Buffer Effects turned ON. What does happen sometimes is when loading from a saved game or sometimes from a loading screen, the screen will be black and you can hear sound; then I just ALT+Tab and it picks it up okay and I'm good to go.


I'm gonna try to update my drivers first, to see if it's working, if there are any newer versions, and if not, then I'll revert back to the versions you've written down.

It would be nice to play KotOR in it's full beauty, to be honest.

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I'm gonna try to update my drivers first, to see if it's working, if there are any newer versions, and if not, then I'll revert back to the versions you've written down.

It would be nice to play KotOR in it's full beauty, to be honest.


Are you referring to KOTOR1 or KOTOR2? For KOTOR1, check out

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No, I was referring to KotOR 2.
I have the latest drivers installed (beta excluded), so I'm gonna revert back to an older driver (sometime) and see if it works.

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