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TSLRCM and the USM patch for 1.6

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Great! Considering that 1.7 will fix the problems with the Red Eclipse on Nar Shadda and the HK-47 factory quest, I can wait a little longer for it.

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Hmm, heard about this project from another forum I go to. I read what changes there are in 1.61a just from 1.5 and just from that it looks like you guys have done a tremendous amount of work. Thanks for releasing this.


Anyway, on topic. I just did a fresh install of KOTOR2 and am only using your guys' restored content with no other mods. So if I encounter anything I'll be sure to let you all know (if you are still looking for bugs and whatnot)




Ugh, two bugs so far that prohibit me from advancing, both are the same type of problem though, so idk...

First one is when you are outside of Peragus in the space suit. Once you talk to Atton, the ship with the main antagonist (Spoilers I guess so I wont put his name) is supposed to show up via cutscene, 3 restarts and every time my game would lock up as the cutscene is supposed to start.


Second one is the same thing. It's the cutscene after boarding the Ebon Hawk for the first time and the PC asks Kreia what happened to her hand, as soon as that dialogue is over, it looks like another cutscene is coming, but it freezes.


I tried disabling movies via .ini file, but that didn't help. I had to uninstall the mod to progress past my first problem. So I'm guessing I'm going to have to do it again.... But since I'm leaving Peragus I hope my save is still able to work (I read in the readme that it might not work after leaving the area)




Other than that it is working great so far. All of the other cutscenes worked just fine.

Edited by LzyRob3

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Guest DoGoD

Can anyone shed light of the status of this? Will there be a "finalized" version for 1.6? Or has it just been put on hold until after 1.7 is released?

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It's not on hold it's just being held up do to my lack of personal time to work on it. It only "needs" a few fixes added then it will be released,as soon as a finish up something else(TSLRCM related) I need to get done I'll get it together.

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Guest Free

I just installed TSLRCM 1.6 and was searching for USM patch when i came across this thread. I was really eager to start playing it but I guess i'll have to wait. Unless its not too late to get in on the Beta testing?

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If at all possible, I will try and get the fixes done that need to be added and "try" to get it out this weekend. Not sure what the deal is with it messing up the 907mal cutscenes but the temp workaround will be not to give Sion & Kreia there custom USM saber's for those scene. It won't hurt a thing they just will be holding standard game sabers.

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Guest Ajunta

As it said it was compatible with TSLRCM 1.6 I have installed the Nar Shaddaa hidden complex mod v1.5. On Nar Shaddaa it worked fine. Now, I have encountered two possible snags: As for the fuel for Telos, Captain Grenn has again (as it was in the original game) no question after the Vogga-quest has been completed. And HK47 does not know that the HK-Factory is on Telos, even though the journal has the entry that back on the Eben Hawk he would know that (after encountering treee groups of HK50s).

In my previous play-throughs (without this hidden complex mod) the fuel quest could be completed and HK47 knew the location of the HK-Factory.


Is this a possible conflict? Do I have to uninstall the hidden complex mod?

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Don't know if this helps you Ajunta, but I don't have the hidden complex installed, just USM, 1.6 and the unrestored content mod and I didn't get the Grenn question after I completed the Vonga quest nor did I get a update about HK-47 knowing about the factory. I rebuilt HK-47 after my first stop finding "Lost Jedi" before I departed the planet and granted I didn't have him in my party each time I encountered the 50s, but he's just as clueless about the location as the when I rebuilt him. the unrestored content mod has worked fine with 1.6 up until Malachor V, I'm having the same problem alot of other people are (black screen after the Hawk crashes). So like everyone else I'm just waiting.

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Guest Ajunta

Snipea: If you have the same problems without the hidden complex mod it has to be something else. And that is really strange because it worked wonderfully in my previous play-throughs. Could it perhaps be linked to the gender of the exile? I had both times a female, now I'm playing a male. What gender is your exile?

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Ajunta: Male, I'm not too big playing female characters but I was going to on my next playthrough to see the different stuff that gets offered for female versus male. It must be something else, hope this helps.

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Guest Ajunta

Well, it would certainly be interesting to know whether your next playthrough with a female exile will yield a different result. Let me know, please!

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OK the "new" USM_TSLRCM patch is now up in the downloads section,it is compatible with 1.6(a) and will be fine with 1.7 .

Due to lack of time on my part for now in the Malachor cutscenes with Sion and Kreia will just have default game sabers so it should stop the issue with those scenes crashing the game. Just be sure to follow the readme instructions.

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Guest Dingus

i have 1365 wornings when instal patch

they say, what file name (name of file) already exist in override folder

what i doing wrong, or it is normal?

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ok i istal the new usm patch but the cutscenes with Sion and Kreia still crash (black screen) i'm remove the game and make a fresh install but still have the problen

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I am having a problem too...


Basically some of the USM sabers, crystals, etc arent installing right. Like the Rocarian Saber Crystals. They appear in game as armor. Its really odd.

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Should they?


Not for the newest USM patch,due to the conflicts for 907MAL I removed all files the effect that area,but if you installed the patch over an already installed version of the patch then the conflict will still be there. Just delete those 2 files and make sure there isn't a k_907mal_enter.ncs in there(your override folder) either.

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Not for the newest USM patch,due to the conflicts for 907MAL I removed all files the effect that area,but if you installed the patch over an already installed version of the patch then the conflict will still be there. Just delete those 2 files and make sure there isn't a k_907mal_enter.ncs in there(your override folder) either.


I don't have a "k_907mal_enter.ncs" file, but perhaps it's the same as "oldk_907_enter.ncs"?

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I don't have a "k_907mal_enter.ncs" file, but perhaps it's the same as "oldk_907_enter.ncs"?


The "oldk_907_enter.ncs" won't be a problem there's nothing to trigger that file. (It will be ignored)

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