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A DSP in a LS conversation with HK-50 at Peragus

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Exile and HK-50 - first meeting.


I'm opening a new dialog at R19 in 103PER_dlgHK50.dlg


Exile : 76678 :

I am looking for a way into the Peragus hangar bay.


HK-50 : 76586 :

Pitying Answer: Oh that is unfortunate, master. The hangar is sealed behind a containment field. It would be impossible to open it.


Exile : 76679 :

Then how did the T3 unit get through it?




I allready have the Sonic Imprint Sensor


At the end, I gain a DSP and a LSP.


I'm opening this dialog with a GoodEvil at 53 and leaving it with a GoodEvil at 53 !.


Before 1.7, I was starting it at 53 and and I was finishing it at 57, with no DSP for LS progressions.


Where does that silly DSP come from? That's new.


There is not any a_darksml script on none of those dialog options.

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this happens to me as well, i dont think it really matters, because u can get plenty of light side point trhough out the game anyway...

i was fully light by the end of dantooine..which was the first planet i visited after telos...

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That has a very great importance for a certain challenge that I suggest since a long time and that some try to succeed.


You are right, there is full of LSP to gain thereafter but, the play being a little too easy (except for the searches of the revelations and confidences by all the characters - the dialogs are, by far, the most succeeded and most interesting part of K2), I add many challenges.


One of those I comment on my pages is the obsessional research of the least LSP during the beginning of the game in order to become “LS Master” just before the lessons of echani fighting in the polar Academy (under the pretext to get 3 more points in "Constitution" (or other ...), which are welcome, just before the fighting).


There are only 52 LSP to gain before the lessons of fighting and one needs 50 of them. If it misses, from now, 3 of them, it is not worth any more the while to try this challenge which can't be succeeded never again.


The first 52 LSP


And another thing question me: where does this DSP come from, as there is no call to the script adding a DSP. Certain things seem encoded outside the method "readable" in dialogs (or there is a bug elsewhere).

Edited by ttlan

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It's in "Pitying Answer: Oh that is unfortunate, Master. The hangar is sealed behind a containment field. It would be impossible to open it." because that's an answer to "Forget them, then. I need to get into the hangar bay and get off this rock." which is clearly a dark side response.


Most people get there through the 'I am not your Master' etc. branch which is higher up anyway., instead of using that option when talking first time. Is easily fixable by moving the DS point to "Forget them, then. I need to get into the hangar bay and get off this rock.", although going this route makes it impossible to get the LS/DS point available for talking about escaping from Peragus, but I guess so be it, that's the choice the player has to make.

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Well, there is a DSP added at E107, wich is 2 steps before E17


The sequence R19 E17 do not pass thru E107 R150, no?


And there are LSP missing.


And note that, in French, the "Forget them, then.", wich is clearly DS, has become "Let us not speak about that any more" (Forget it) . This leaves no time assumed they were abandoned by the Exile and is not DS response.


I am tired of all this French clutter! As I wrote on my pages a few months ago, from now on, only French subtitling counts. The audio versions are too distant from what Obsidian wrote. I do not retain any more my feather to write, under pretext that an audio file exists.

Edited by ttlan

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Ehm, E107 has a LSP. It always has, that's not a change.




Where? Can't see any...


And I can't help you with the issues of the French translation...

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Sorry, I wanted to say "there is a DSP attached to E107", not "added". And it is a DSP, not a LSP. It's the one for "Forget them, then. I need to get into the hangar bay and get off this rock."




But when we start 2 steps lower, at E17, there should not be a DSP.


The order of E&R is :

R19 > E17


It is not

R19 > E107 > R150 > E17


I do not understand where that DSP come from.

Edited by ttlan

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Ehm, your E107 isn't the E107 from the English version.


Since I don't really know French, I can hardly tell where in the file that is...

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It's the DS point for picking the DS line. Although a red continue like that causes the 'skipping' issue, so I instead moved it to the following line, and erased it in the english version.


Didn't knew there was an alternative way into (E19). So this bug is my fault. Doesn't explain why you get it in the French version though if this modification hasn't been made...


Anyway, will fix it for an eventual update, together with a missing local-set I found since the release as well...

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Moved towards the preceding line.


All seems to function well with that, LS and DS.




and erased it in the english version


There is no French or US version of the script or of the tree structure of the dialogs. Only the textual data change but scripts and the tree structures of the dialogs (including conditional tests before and scripts after each dialog option) are the same in the whole world, no?



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Apparently not.


Not sure how Zbyl changes stuff to fit the non-English versions, but that's not the dialogue structure anymore in TSLRCM 1.7.

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