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Interview with Logan23 by Sith holocron

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Hello everyone!


Below you will have questions that were given to me by Sith holocron for me to answer.


You will find the Question and then the link to the audio answer to that question.



Excuse my voice..just recovered from being sick when I recorded this.



More Question/Answers are coming....








What games other than the KOTOR series have proven inspirational for Revenge of Revan?



What planets will be part of Revenge of Revan that you can talk about without ruining the plot?



How many hours will Revenge of Revan take to play from start to finish?



Do you know who will be voicing Revan in mod Revenge of Revan?



How many PC possibilities and species will there be by the time he's finished? and...




Will there be any custom designed areas?



Could you describe your release strategy for Revenge of Revan?



So many large scale mods have been announced only to be doomed to failure. Where did they fail?


(The last one is up and the link works...enjoy)

Edited by Logan23

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Do you have a aprroximate date for when this mod comes out? i know you have probly been asked this alot by now, so im sorry if this annoys you

edit*:umm, with TOR coming out in a few months, do you think your Mod will be able to top it, or be better then it? (i hope the question makes sense)

edit*:also i would like to thank you for putting your time and effort into making this mod ;) i dno if this will help you but its good to see people who put alot of time and effort into making something for other people to enjoy..(lol, i got a mind blank as i was writing this, so ill finish it off when i remember what i was going to say...)

Edited by MassShadowCreator

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Do you have a aprroximate date for when this mod comes out? i know you have probly been asked this alot by now, so im sorry if this annoys you

edit*:umm, with TOR coming out in a few months, do you think your Mod will be able to top it, or be better then it? (i hope the question makes sense)

edit*:also i would like to thank you for putting your time and effort into making this mod i dno if this will help you but its good to see people who put alot of time and effort into making something for other people to enjoy..(lol, i got a mind blank as i was writing this, so ill finish it off when i remember what i was going to say...)



I do have a rough date in mind for the Demo's release and also the Act 1=half the game's release as well.

I can't say when the full mod will be done but I can say that Act2 or the full version of the game will take less time since there is no learning curve which gobbled up 12 months.


I do not believe that the full game will be done before TOR's release but I am hoping and targeting to get the Act1 released before TOR's release date.


There is no way this Mod will be better than TOR but RoR is meant to compliment TOR since it is a bridge between kotor2 and TOR. I do believe that RoR's story is strong and will surprise you all on the detail as well as reactivity to your kotor1 and kotor2 choices.=)


Thank you for the compliment. The Team and I have been working hard to bring you as professional of game/mod as we can.


More interview questions and answers will be on their way very soon....

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well, i dont know much about modding, but it must take awhile to create everything and or change files around to get the new content...

Logan, some of the comments people left on your youtube vids a pretty ignorent, even though you reuse a movie from kotor 2, they get all, i dont, angry at u i guess, cause your not adding new vids, i dno if anyone told you this before, but ignore those comments, your putting alot of time and effort into making a new game, and obviously they dont realise that, and if the rest of the content is as good as you say, then those minor things wont bother anyone when the game comes out...

well, if you have read what i have to say then thanks, i didnt mean to write so much ;)

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This figures . . . I ask the questions and I can't see the responses because the work computers block media sites (like YouTube.)


I guess I'll have a while to wait until I finally get the answers!

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Good information. :--)


I agree that some of the comments on the YT videos are overwhelmingly crude and ignorant. Rest assured that what you're doing is amazing, and everything I've seen thus far is looking fantastic.

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Thanks for all the support=)

I'm glad you guys are enjoying the videos and audio interview.


Don't worry i don't let the remarks on youtube bother me since for one thing they only see the small video and don't see the updates which are in the forums.



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Out of curiosity, did you record the other questions?


I do have a few more questions to record.


I will see if i can those posted by the end of the week =)

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