Vadász 5 Posted June 25, 2014 Sup DS, Is it possible to alter the way the strength bonus works? I'd like to give double weapons the same bonus dual weapons get, and single weapons should use STRx 1.5 (Since they are used two handed most of the time). This way not only Dual Sabers will be as useful as a Double Sabers (Which are imba IMO), but a Single Saber Jedi will be way better than he used to be. I'm really afraid that if noone has changed this so far, It's probably because it's hardcoded... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Traveller 5 Posted July 10, 2014 The game engine for KotOR and KotOR II is based off Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game, which uses the d20 System. In the d20 System, attribute bonuses start at -5 for an attribute of 1, up to 0 for scores of 10-11, with a +1 bonus at 12-13, +2 at 14-15, etc. The strength bonus applies to attack rolls and damage rolls, so that a character with strength 16 would have a +3 on his "to hit" roll and a +3 bonus on any damage done with a melee weapon. Using two weapons without the feat in KotOR/KotOR II impose a -6 penalty to attacks made with the "on" hand and a -10 penalty to attacks with the the "off" hand. If the weapon in the "off" hand is balanced, the penalty is reduced to -6/-8. Using a double weapon without the feat imposes a penalty of -6/-8. The Two-weapon feat in KotOR/KotOR II reduces the attack penalty for each hand by 2. Thus, with the "plain" feat, the penalties for two weapons are -4/-8, -4/-6 if the "off" hand weapon is balanced, and -4/-6 for a double weapon. The improved feat reduces the penalties to -2/-6, -2/-4, and -2/-4. The Master feat would reduce the penalty to -0/-4, -0/-2, and -0/-2. The preceding was to explain how the system is supposed to work. To the best of my knowledge, changing how the attribute bonuses or feats work is simply not possible as it would require rewriting of the game engine. It should be possible to add bonuses to each weapon, but to do that would require you to extract every single weapon from the game files, edit each and every one of them in KotOR Tool, then save them all to your override directory. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vadász 5 Posted July 10, 2014 While what you posted is indeed correct I was referring to the fact double weapons get a bonus that is a whole step higher than what they should get. Strength bonus in the d20 system works this way: A single weapon wielded with the main hand get 1xSTR Two weapons or a double weapon get 1xSTR in the main hand and 0.5xSTR in the offhand. A single weapon wielded with two hands 1.5xSTR. One could use a double weapon as a two handed weapon in order to gain the bonus however using it that way wouldn’t grant you the extra attack. In K2 double weapons get 1.5xSTR in the main hand and 1xSTR in the offhand, making them hit a lot harder than two weapons. Also considering double weapons don’t even require a special feat to use, they end up being the better choice for a melee fighter, at least until mid/high-levels where some crystals and forms really help some specific crit fishing builds that depend on the better range single sabers have. It should be possible to add bonuses to each weapon, but to do that would require you to extract every single weapon from the game files, edit each and every one of them in KotOR Tool, then save them all to your override directory. You mean static bonuses? I have given that some though, however it's not possible to make static bonuses progress naturally the same way strength does. To the best of my knowledge, changing how the attribute bonuses or feats work is simply not possible as it would require rewriting of the game engine. I know, i just hoped that one of the gurus here knew a way to alter it via script. I think that if there there is an event to hook the script form (A onattack event for example), it could certainly be implemented. After that the only thing that the script would have to do is to check what kind of weapon the character is using and give a untyped bonus (Or penalty) to damage depending of the strength of said character. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Traveller 5 Posted July 11, 2014 A double weapon such as a lightsaber has a damage bonus of 1x STR for the first attack and 0.5x STR for the second: see page 134 of the Revised Core Rulebook, under the Double-bladed Lightsaber entry, for particulars. The same setup should apply to all double weapons. A character with a +2 STR mod and wielding a double weapon should have a bonus of +2/+1, not +3/+2. If I understand what you're looking for, you want to give double weapons the 1.5x STR bonus two-handed weapons get? For example, +3/+3 instead of +2/+1? As to changing it via script, it may be possible to do. I know the Influence Bug Fix I use replaces the existing influence script with a custom model that isn't so broken. But asking me how to do it is not something I can tell you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vadász 5 Posted July 11, 2014 What I'm trying to say is that in vanilla K2, double weapons behave in the 1.5x/1x way and not in the 1x/0.5x way like in d20. I want them to work like in d20. I do want to give single weapons the 1.5xSTR bonus since vibroswords and lighsabers are used in two hands most of the time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Traveller 5 Posted July 11, 2014 Well I wasn't quite grasping what you were getting at. You know, you have to sometimes brain me with a book. All comedy aside, quite honestly, this is an odd discussion simply because we're talking d20 System here instead of a place like or This is something that I don't think has ever come up, and while it may be possible, I have a feeling most people don't realize that KotOR and KotOR II use a modified version of the d20 System, and don't really look too deeply into the numbers to begin with. On a side note, Star Wars Saga Edition — the last version of the rules published by WotC — gives all two-handed weapons a damage bonus of 2x STR, regardless of whether the weapon is as simple as a two-handed sword, or as complex as a double-bladed lightsaber. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zoorah 0 Posted August 31, 2015 So did anyone actually figured how to change the strength modifiers ??? I really hate the fact that 2 light sabers get 1*str/0.5*str damage bonus compared to the 1.5*str/1*str damage bonus for double bladed weapons. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Box 8 Posted September 1, 2015 I don't think it's possible, even with some crazy workarounds. Then again, I somehow didn't know this was actually a thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted September 4, 2015 And even with that in mind, dual-wielding is still insanely more powerful than one dual-bladed lightsaber. So not sure why you want to make them even more OP than already the case... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites