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Can't finish Korriban

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Hi everyone,


As with my last problem with the handmaiden solved itself in way, i just found the next one.


I went to Korriban as the last planet and let Kreia teach me about the graves and then went to the academy before visiting the cave.

In the Academy, I had the problem that when I  picked up Vash's remains I got a conversation error and I couldn't use her code to unlock the doors.

I solved that problem with using the English Dialog.tlk. then I fought with Sion explored cave and grave.


My problem now is I still have the traces to ashes quest active telling me to search the academy. The quest Lost Jedi which tells me i found her remains that she was held as a bait.

My guess is the switch to English messed up the traces to ashes quest although i had to to that to go on.


I use TSLRCM and the following mods

Coruscant Scene No Overlay by Hassat Hunter

Player & Party Underwear 1 by RedRob41

Concept Loading Screens 1.1 by InSidious

New Onderon Merchant by 90SK


edit: removed "TSLRCM Loot fix base scripts 1.3 by Hassat Hunter", forgot i uninstalled that one

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