ttlan 18 Posted October 26, 2010 (edited) Towards a perfect K2 - 000 - TSLRCM 1.7 Hi all 1/ I have Installed 1.7 on 1.6. - French installation. I?ve altered dialog.tlk before the installation of 1.7 in order to verify the installation of the new dialog.tlk file. It is not installed. Oh!? Thank?s for the credit. 2/ French dialog.tlk French dialog.tlk is now in 1.05 (and 1.06 is in progress) 473 modifications / corrections / translations have been made. You can pick it at any time (it is, always, the last version) at and add it in TSLRCM. What?s modified in the French dialog.tlk ? (.xls file) 3/ As you note it in the readme file, it is completely impossible to reload a save made under 1.6. We must start a new game. 4/ Installing 1.7 (and, perhaps, starting with the launcher) will install a new .ini file with no warning before the rewriting of it. All previous tweaks in that file are lost. Nothing in the backup dir. 5/ T3-M4 / 3C-FD dialog (001EBO_dlg3cfd.dlg) He he ! Restored ! Ok, this is not very important and the 3C-FD dialog, in the prologue, is used as the didactic of influence in K2 but, as you are working hard for a perfect K2, when asking 3C-FD what to do now when we are already outside and that all is done (got mines), he reply, when inf > 6, with StrRef 125887 for a T3-M4 ?Fix the problem outside the ship? Okay? instead of entering in the hyperdrive dialog options . Inf must be > 3 but not > 6 so we must lower the inf to get an intelligent response from 3C-FD. 5/ A prologue tip disappear I?ve noted that leaving the prologue after picking all on the Ebon Hawk, during the prologue, no more allow to keep all what was collected, once the game really begins, in Peragus. I have already spoke, numerous times, about tips! Perhaps some of them are bugs but they introduce fun at playing with the game, in addition to playing at the game, and they add hours of lifetime for the game. Removing tips is killing a little bit the game. I know, Zbyl2, that you do not agree with me and I know that some prefer cheat with KSE or altering the game using Mods instead of playing with the pure game when it is possible! This is more easiest! The easiest way is of no interest! (Except for those who develop Mods ? I?m not talking about them). Well? You are working for ?A perfect K2?. Let?s talk about a perfect K2. If I find time, I'll translate to English my remarks in my French Kotor 2 web site, about bugs and about the spirit of Kotor 2 and it's integration in the Extended Universe. Many thanks for your job. Note and report that there is, since the begining of TSLRCM, as you allowed me, a permanent mirror of the latest version of TSLRCM on my web pages (I'll upload 1.7 asap but there is something I want to speak with you and the community before - it will be my next thread - about Kreia hiding herself). TTLan Kotor 2 -TSLRCM - Extended What is restored Kotor 2 - I have not understand anything at Kotor 2 Kotor 2 - Recent history: the 25 years before Kotor 2 Kotor 2 - Recent history: what happened during the 3 ? days before Kotor 2 Kotor 2 - Solution and spirit of Kotor 2 - about 400 pages Kotor 2 - Character of Kotor 2 - Arren Kae Edited October 26, 2010 by ttlan Typo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted October 26, 2010 A "perfect" K2 would include exploit-fixes... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites