Markus Ramikin

Mod Compatibility with TSLRCM 1.7 (Discussion)

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That's cause they were links to the old files on the old forum... They should be replaced with the new links from this forum.


EDIT: All of them should be fixed now. But do mention if you find another faulty link...

Edited by Hassat Hunter

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hey is K2 Armor Fix Metastasis compatible I honestly didnt care until I saw the ubese armor reskin....

UPDATE: so far no conflicts I will wait until onderon to say if it conflict also 90sks robes shouldn't conflict (may need to edit the jedi masters not sure but will see)

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Guest HaVoKeR

Can Someone pleaaaaaase fix this (the infinite loop thing): http://knightsoftheo...;71576x#1049657

I hate this peragus turret game, since it makes you loose xp if you kill them that way (even MORE with my mod that increases all enemies lvl).

I always have to wait everyone pass, it's ridiculous, my jedi watching them come like: "haha i will tear you apart with my bare hands, turrets are for loosers"...

Another NICE idea: make you get the same xp amount for killing them with the turret... that would be just perfect.

And if this get fixed, will it be compatible with RCM?

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Opps, posted this list in another thread, had only seen the Sticky Compatibility, didn't know there was an open posting thread.


Anyone know if any of these mods would be a problem, they are some older ones mods in TSL folder? Checked the Compatibility thread first.



Ebon Hawk Smugglers Compartment 1.3

Khoonda Lost Room 1.3

Harbinger Quarters 1.2

Lab Station Implant Factory 1.0



Blue Interface



PC Wrist Launcher and No More G0-T0

(sort of guess no on this) Btw if anyone has used this, does it break the game,if you remove GO-TO, iirc GO-TO has end game scenes?


Dak Vesser

holo droid emitter band

Sorry, link to the actual file doesn't seem possible, maybe I can send what I have to Filefront.




Thanks for any tips or links. :)



Edit: Giving up on Blue Interface, seem to be getting alot of crashes when doing things in the UI.

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Hi! I was wondering why I didn't find any mods in the compatibility list (or in the forums) that would give

new PC heads (esp. alien heads).


I've tried these two mods for now:


They seemed to correctly update the 2da files (at least they added the new rows full of data), but in the game, only

the portrait appears, but no head in the 3d model, that is, I got a headless character (very funny though).


Anyone have any idea? (Or any tips for new heads mods)? Thanks

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

All mods that only add or edit PC-heads should be fully compatible. Thing is, many of them are badly made on the 2da-editing part, which makes them often crash, if you install multiple ones. (no head appearing in the game means that eighter the model-files are corrupted or the 2da-file wasn't properly edited).

TSLRCM does nothing with appereance.2da, heads.2da and portraits.2da (afaik) and those are the only files that need to be edited for new or changed pc-heads (not even necessairly).

Note that there are also other mods that change those 2da-files, so, depending on whether they use the TSLPatcher and how it is set up, they might make the head-mods crash.

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Guest staticjoe66

Personally I install the game, then the 1.0b patch, then TSLRCM, next the TSLRCM fix, then Markus Workbench Attunement Mod then a few feat and Force power increase mods which are single 2da files not using the TSL patcher. After that I will install one head mod depending on the playthrough I intend--DS F, LS M--then will install the other mods I usually use. I do have a hiccup most current playthrough keeps crashing during the first Nihl/Visas cutscene when he sends her to find you...I know it's a mod conflict but can't figure out what the problem is as I don't know the name of that cutscene in the Modules folder so I can't tell which mods are conflicting...





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If there is an Appearance.2da in the Override will RCM actually write/update the current Appearance2da?



Thanks. :)

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If there is an Appearance.2da in the Override will RCM actually write/update the current Appearance2da?

It will overwrite it, so make sure other mods modifying it are installed afterwards.

Edited by Hassat Hunter
My bad, appareance.2da is included

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I must have the wrong file or I am losing my mind, when I install tslrcm17.exe first, after there is a Appearance.2da. DOH! :)


Oddly, I was going to edit it myself, was trying to add svösh's HK-47 skin but the line he says to edit if you have a Appearance.2da is envmap does seem to be the same in his, after your patch.



Thanks for your help. :)

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HaVoKeR I've asked about those also. I just started a game, was afraid to try all 4 without some word here. I did a manual install of the Ebon Hawk Smuggler's Compartment as the very last mod, not letting it overwrite any file. There were only two files files which conflicted, not even sure it's from RCM, when I get to the Ebon Hawk I will report what I found. Atm, just hit level 2, so defiantly an hour or two away. I sure hope someone takes a look at these 4 mods.


Oh I just realized one of the two conflicting files must have been from RCM, one relocates the Med Lab to Medical, which RCM does, iirc.

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Guest HaVoKeR

HaVoKeR I've asked about those also. I just started a game, was afraid to try all 4 without some word here. I did a manual install of the Ebon Hawk Smuggler's Compartment as the very last mod, not letting it overwrite any file. There were only two files files which conflicted, not even sure it's from RCM, when I get to the Ebon Hawk I will report what I found. Atm, just hit level 2, so defiantly an hour or two away. I sure hope someone takes a look at these 4 mods.


Oh I just realized one of the two conflicting files must have been from RCM, one relocates the Med Lab to Medical, which RCM does, iirc.



Ebon Hawk mods have problems with RCM, most of them, the last time i had one, i've reached the end of the game without meeting the HK factory...

And don't try khoonda lost room mod, it's already in the incompatible list.

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

I must have the wrong file or I am losing my mind, when I install tslrcm17.exe first, after there is a Appearance.2da. DOH! :)

Uuups, seems as if I've been wrong about TSLRCM not modifying appearance.2da then, sorry for that.

There are a couple of head-mods that don't (properly) use the TSLPatcher, so they overwrite files like appearance.2da.


Basically, if any mod overwrites anything that is already in the override-folder, there IS a confilict (only exception is if you had the same mod already installed, but for some reason needed to re-install it). If you're lucky, some content might simply look different or odd or not appear at all. If you're unlucky (most likely) you'll encounter some more or less nasty bugs up to an unfinishable game.

Unless some lazy guys who made their TSLPatcher put it's own changes.ini and info.rtf into the override-folder too, a mod usually does never ever install any file, that isn't necessary.

And mind you, the TSLPatcher can be set up, so that it overwrites files, that already exist in the override-folder (though I think that's crap, unless your release is a patch for an already installed mod).

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Uuups, seems as if I've been wrong about TSLRCM not modifying appearance.2da then, sorry for that.

There are a couple of head-mods that don't (properly) use the TSLPatcher, so they overwrite files like appearance.2da.


It seemed to me that the mods I tried only added rows to the 2da files, so should've been good. It must be some problems with what data it writes to the 2da files, but most of that data I don't yet understand.


Know any good (and tslrcm compatible) new head mods (including alien species) ? Thanks

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How about Exile Expansion? Adds one male and female Chiss head. Changes (drops into override?) 152kreia.dlg to add some Exile specific items in a specific container. DON'T equip the male only robe, apparently the mod author didn't do a proper job when he created that item (causes an instand CTD when chosen in the equip screen).


Seems to be incompatible with Handmaiden style undies for females due to model changes in that mod (distorted textures). Has no problems with the simple texture replacements from Player and party underwear mod, don't know how it interacts with the latter's model changing options though.


Another would be Female Twi'lek Exile appearance.


Or how about a Playable Yuthura Ban?

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Guest staticjoe66

HH it was just as I suspected--a conflict between OldFlash Final Touch Mod ( My link ) and Shem's Super Enhanced Add-On ( My link ) as it looks like both mods drop a Nihl modification in the Override folder...oh well...thanks for the game-saving 411...




Remove something called n_darthnih(something).utc

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Ebon Hawk mods have problems with RCM, most of them, the last time i had one, i've reached the end of the game without meeting the HK factory...

And don't try khoonda lost room mod, it's already in the incompatible list. it HaVoKeR.


uups, seems as if I've been wrong about TSLRCM not modifying appearance.2da then, sorry for that.

There are a couple of head-mods that don't (properly) use the TSLPatcher, so they overwrite files like appearance.2da.....

Good to know, Bob Ta'aar thanks.

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

It seemed to me that the mods I tried only added rows to the 2da files, so should've been good. It must be some problems with what data it writes to the 2da files, but most of that data I don't yet understand.

Well, even if a mod uses the TSLPatcher to modify appearance.2da, it's possible that it adds a line with a given number, instead of using the StrRef-function. If there's already a modified appearance.2da (with more lines than the original) in your override-folder, the line-number will be off in this case, resulting in your head not working (possibly not beeing displayed at all.


I can recommend the Exile Expansion-mod of the two Chiss-heads too, it should be fully compatible with any other head-mods and RCM (and the hood worked fine for me too, exept that the throat sticks through it. but the female robe crashed when I tried to equip it to certain characters. Mira and Kreia worked though).

I'm working on some alien heads too, but none of them is too near of a release-date, I'm afraid :).

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Well, even if a mod uses the TSLPatcher to modify appearance.2da, it's possible that it adds a line with a given number, instead of using the StrRef-function. If there's already a modified appearance.2da (with more lines than the original) in your override-folder, the line-number will be off in this case, resulting in your head not working (possibly not beeing displayed at all.


Actually I've checked and it added a new row to each file (as there were the same number of rows in the RCM files as in the original).

So the problem was something else I think.


Thanks for the mod tips. I'll look at the chiss (though I didn't want any item pack with it). Unluckily I was looking for a male twilek (or other alien) head, and the only two I found yet didn't work. Earlier I was looking at the Holowan modpack, which had working heads, but it's a big pile of thrown-in mods and I can't select the files (and data) out of it (and it has lot of features that destroy gameplay). I looked at DarthMalignous' headshop packs, but all the links were broken - the problem with a 5yr old game :) I was looking on lucasforums but I found it very hard to search (or in any similar forums). All the stuff is just thrown in in threads but most of the threads are useless and using the search usually doesn't give the needed results...

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Guest Darth Tartarus


And don't try khoonda lost room mod, it's already in the incompatible list.

Again...In all my tests, version 1.4 of the Lost Room Mod worked PERFECTLY. No issues with TSLRCM 1.7 at all.

And, I just did a 100% playthrough of TSLRCM 1.7 with the Lost Room mod with no problems.


Please, either tell me exactly what the issue is so I can fix it, or put it on the compatible list.

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