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General ideas for KOTOR 2 mods (old or new).

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Hello. I am new to all this modding stuff, but I think I have a faint idea, if nothing else, how modding works. I've played my share of mods, and for that reason, I would like to give a little contribution to the modding community, if not with my modding skills, then with some creative ideas. I would expect the same from everybody else.


What I would like to address first are the mods that I've played by now, and which I consider nice. TSLRCM and M4-78 are the best I know for now, and I know they're in capable hands, so I won't be discussing them, although I would like to see the M4-78EP come out soon.


Now, to more pressing matters.


1. My first idea was about the main quest to gather all the Jedi to Dantooine. Why can't you kill just one of the Jedi, e.g. Master Vrook (who I think is the most annoying, and more stubborn than Atris maybe), and still have the light side scene at the enclave with the remaining masters.

2. A stupid idea, but maybe someone could change the meeting place with the masters, from Dantooine to Coruscant. xD

3. Why not make a mod for having both Handmaiden and the Disciple. One of them could replace GO-TO's character slot, and you could make GO-TO a quest-giver on the Ebon Hawk, because that is mainly what he does, gives you the quest to save the Republic.

4. Why not ask deathdisco to join the Deadly Stream (if he isn't a member already), and make Coruscant a more playable planet. Maybe add some voices to the mod and more dialogues with Kreia, like why she can't go. Sound parts from Korriban could be used for that.

5. The Ebon Hawk history would be a nice touch as a side quest expansion (and I mean more than just a computer telling you who the previous owners were, or the small part on Nar Shadaa, where you meet with one of them). But I would understand if nobody would want to work on this. It's just something I would like.


And so on, and so forth...


P.S. Is it somehow possible to import planets from KOTOR 1 to KOTOR 2? If not, why not? Think outside the box (without disrespect to any who answer to this question).


What I would like to say with all of this is: There are so many good modders out there, and I know that if they would at least set aside their differences for the sake of the game we all love, I know they could make wonders happen.


P.S.S. We all know what happened with the story of WarCraft after WoW. A couple of guys who were lvl 1 a month ago killed both Illidan and Arthas. Maybe that will happen to Revan and the Exile with TOR. This world needs heroes. Whom can we look up to when all heroes die.


Sorry for being melodramatic, but I was really disappointed when I heard that TOR was going to be the sequel to the KOTOR series. KOTOR wasn't a game to gain lvl's for me. It was more like reading a book, and being happy to get a cool Jedi robe while doing so. xD


Sorry for being a royal pain in the backside.

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3. Why not make a mod for having both Handmaiden and the Disciple. One of them could replace GO-TO's character slot, and you could make GO-TO a quest-giver on the Ebon Hawk, because that is mainly what he does, gives you the quest to save the Republic.


I actually heard of something along these lines on the old Deadly Stream, but having G0-T0 as your remote, and with an armband that makes him follow you when you wear it.

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I actually heard of something along these lines on the old Deadly Stream, but having G0-T0 as your remote, and with an armband that makes him follow you when you wear it.


Yeah, I bumped onto the same thing I think when I was looking for the mod, because I thought somebody had already made it, and that I could download it right away. Instead I found just some ideas for making it. But I didn't like the armband part or the remote part. It's a bit stupid, and it wouldn't be so popular. This way it stays a bit closer to the original storyline.

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Guest DragonEmperor

I'm not a modder myself, but for some replay value, those changes would probably be fun to play with. A little difference between games is never a bad thing. :)


On a separate point, I totally agree with you on the TOR thing. While I respect Bioware for doing some great things with the story, I feel that one player controlled character is enough. Due to that, there is definitely a personal feeling when you play Kotor 1 and Kotor 2. It tends not to be the same when you have who knows how many people running around as epic looking sith warriors or jedi.

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Yeah, I would like to have a lot of different mods. I'd like to mod myself, but I think that it's too time consuming, and I can't bother, with college taking my precious youth. xD


Still, I would like to hear somebody's ideas for KOTOR 2 mods, and no one has posted them. I'm sure everyone's got at least one. They're never going to make it if you don't speak up.


And may the Schwartz be with you, as Yogurt would say. xD

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Since you asked . . .


Here were some of my ideas - for both k1 and TSL - that I posted about over in Lucas Forums' Modding Request section. Click through to see the full descriptions . . .


K1 Requests

Seeing real Jedi in the tanks on the Star Forge - Ever notice they have this random Jedi model in the tanks on the Star Forge and he's so low-res too boot? I had an idea about that . . .


TSL Requests

The Fate of Colonel Tobin - How about seeing seeing his final fate? (This is of course assuming you didn't kill him yourself.) Complete with explanatory pictures!


Improve the view outside Citadel Station's Windows = There are lots of low resolution bit out there. Click through to see examples I posted up over there.


Cantina Musicians Take Requests - Pretty self explanatory. Have a chance for the musicians to play songs on the game soundtrack for you. This could also work for K1 as well.


Quarren Model Skin Change - This was a request recently posted about over here.


and as long as we're dreaming, the mod all KOTOR2 movie makers would love to have


Add the Free Camera cheat to KOTOR2

Edited by Sith Holocron
Added underline

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Guest Master Revan

I don't know if there is someone working on this part of the game, but I have an idea.

Well, I had finished kotor II for the third time today, this time with the TSLRP mod.

I loved the modifications, but I've noticed one thing: There's so many new videos and

informations, but the endings (both light and darksided) still the obisidian's

epic fail. Can you change it? Rebuild it? Add something more as you did with that scene

that shows Atton following the Exile? Or it's impossible?


Thank you for reading.

See you.

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Guest Master Revan

This, my friend, is already being worked on!


More information here:



Oh,I... I'm tired to play the game and in the end scene ask the question?

And now what?

But, what i'm asking you is if we are going to have a pretty and epic end scene to really finish the game.

Anyway, keep up the good work.

A hail from Brazil.

God bless the TSLRP.

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Guest Master Revan

We are not the creators of TSLRP.

So did you really use that, or TSLRCM?


Oh, I'm ashamed.


My bad.


Yes, I use TSLRCM.


Sorry hassat, I meant no desrespect.


But I keep the question: What about the ending scenes?


Again i'm sorry for my mistake.

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Guest HaVoKeR

Hey, i have an idea and an ask for help; the first one, why is everyone always holding their weapons? it makes no sense, i think that there is a mod out there that tries to fix it, but its not very good as far as i remember.


And now my ask for help: does anyone know a way to remove the battle precognition (the feat handmaiden gives to you?) or just never learning it, cause it makes the game wayyyy to easy, even with hardcore mods, the enemies can't hit you at all when your wisdom/dex is high enough.

Also, if anyone do that for me i would be very thankful, maybe put your name in my UB mod? hahaha ^^

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Guest Master Revan

Hey, i have an idea and an ask for help; the first one, why is everyone always holding their weapons? it makes no sense


I realy liked it the idea, a mod would be wonderfull.

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I actually heard of something along these lines on the old Deadly Stream, but having G0-T0 as your remote, and with an armband that makes him follow you when you wear it.


This intrigues me greatly. I love Brianna to death, but I've never really seen what the Disciple was all about. (I play a male Exile). Some lines would have to be tweaked or removed though, correct? Isn't Disciple a potential love interest for a female Exile? Those lines would likely have to be removed for the male Exile.


OR, OR, OR. They could stay. And work vis-versa. With a female Exile wooing Brianna. Now THAT intrigues me even more.


Oh, right, the mod. Anyway, it's a pretty neat idea. Especially the bit about G0-T0 as your remote. I always save Nar Shadaa for near the end of the game, so I usually get G0-T0 a little late, and don't really get a lot of playtime in with him. Honestly, battle-wise, he isn't anything too great. Story wise? Yeah, alright, he's pretty interesting. The simple fact that he would be in my party without actually BEING in the party though, makes me really want this. It might be cheating, or unfair advantage to some extent, having a "True" fourth party member (Remote, obviously, not being very combat savvy.)


However, if this works out? Brianna, HK-47 and I will be rocking it like it's hot across the galaxy with a floating orb with a glandular problem and feverish OCD about keeping everything "tidy".

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Guest Orbb

I just finished a playthrough and I'd like to see a mod that changes the low-res "stand-ins" for the Sith Marauder and Sith Lord models at the Trayus Academy. I recently added the HOTOR mod that adds re-skins to the lightsabers and adds named lightsabers, crystals, and some new robes (definitely a cool and necessary mod to enhance the items in the game) so couldn't something be done with existing models and just pop them into the place of the low-res ones?

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VP already has a mod like that... but I definitely wouldn't say no to having something like that in regular TSLRCM (VP's also tweaks difficulty, hence it wont be incorperated for sure).

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Guest Orbb

VP already has a mod like that... but I definitely wouldn't say no to having something like that in regular TSLRCM (VP's also tweaks difficulty, hence it wont be incorperated for sure).


Sweet, downloading now. Surprised I didn't see that already. I think it would be very appropriate to add into TSLRCM since the current models definitely look like they are placeholders. I'd class the change as restoring content even if you just use models like the ones from the Sith temple on Dxun (which I see VP has done on one of the models).


Over the past few months I've also been adding tons of mods to Dragon Age:Origins and this has really made me interested in trying to make mods myself. I'm reading topics on the Lucasforums page and downloaded a bunch of programs (Gmax, GIMP, Kotor tool, etc) and now I just need to find something simple to start with. It's too bad that a lot of the mods I've seen have been made to correct things that the original company either didn't have the time, desire, or money to patch in the first place. It's great to see that Obsidian had a much larger plan for what they wanted to incorporate into the game (given all the cut content that was still on the CDs) but unfortunate that they couldn't finish it or even patch it to the level that TSLRCM is. DA:O is kinda like that as well (and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines), vanilla game is ok but the player generated mods that actually restore content or fix combat to work the way that it's supposed to or even add area appropriate items have really improved the game. Anyway, keep up the great work everyone. I'm really looking forward to seeing some of the WIPs completed (like M4-78EP).

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I think it would be very appropriate to add into TSLRCM since the current models definitely look like they are placeholders. I'd class the change as restoring content even if you just use models like the ones from the Sith temple on Dxun (which I see VP has done on one of the models).

No need to convince me, I was on your team from the start.


Sadly enough I don't got the skills to do it myself and then just ask Zbyl and Stoney if they want to use it. Though VP would... Hmmm... :)

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