
I have a question about a Cinematic Glitch

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To whom it may concern,

I recently downloaded the TSLRCM, and I absolutely love it, a thousand thanks to the makers of it! But I seem to be afflicted by an annoying glitch. Everytime there is a cinematic, the game drops me in the area where the cinematic occurred. For example, during the ravager's approach after the cinematic with Darth Sion, my character was thrown into the bridge of the ravager. I fixed that by running back into peragus, but I don't know how that happened. Now when I activate the Visas cinematic aboard the ravager, after the cinematic, my party is trapped aboard the bridge of the ravager, with no way out. Anyone have any idea how on Earth I can fix this? Any help is awesome! Thank you all!


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Are you talking about the Harbinger's arrival at Peragus, not the Ravager? I've had the same issue where it drops me off in there, wearing the spacesuit, and going into Peragus seems to fix it, but you miss out on the dormitories.


I've had the KotOR Collection for some time now, but only recently downloaded KotOR 2, so no, I don't own it on Steam, it's the disc. I've played through Peragus no issue and then I downloaded the TSLRCM 1.8.2 from this site. I started a new game and when I was on Peragus and walked across the surface to go to the dormitories, Sion and the Harbinger arrive like normal. My issue is after that cutscene, it zooms out on Sion for about a minute, and then my character, in the spacesuit and walking awkwardly, appears in the Harbinger. I could fight the assassins and Sion turned my direction when I interacted with him. This is the ONLY mod I have downloaded for the game. Any thoughts?


I tried searching but had no luck. I have an issue when I walk on the exterior of Peragus and the Harbinger arrives. When it does, the cutscene w/ Sion plays and then after about a minute I load onto the Harbinger wearing the spacesuit. I can fight assassins, Sion turns toward me if I interact with him, and when I walk out of the ship, the game picks up at the confrontation w/ HK-50. I don't like missing out on the dormitories because I actually don't hate Peragus. Any thoughts?

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patrickj115, I've combined your posts as they are all about the same issue. Please be patient and don't post again on this subject until someone offers a suggestion.

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I apologize. I was told to look elsewhere and so I did, to no avail, so I posted on bug thread. I later found this one and wanted to confirm if it was the same issue. Again, I apologize.

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Yes, The glitch causes me t spawn behind Sion in full astronaut gear. I got past that one by a fluke since I could just walk back into the facility. However since I landed on Telos, I decided to follow the light side of the force, but when I get to 75%light side, the harbinger video plays, and I wind up stuck on the bridge with no way out. The game map just has a string of numbers to describe the location. Also the doors do not work. IS there a way to reset my Kotor to factory settings?

When I downloaded my lost content mod, I put it in my override folder, but i think the mod also put files in a folder called streamvoice.


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I only downloaded the Sith Lords restored content mod version 1.8.2.

When you install that mod, it is very important to set the install location to the root folder, which by default is:


C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2

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AWESOME! IT worked! Thegame teleported me to where I was supposed to be! Thank you so much! As an aside, does anyone know where I should install a mod to skip peragus?

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 As an aside, does anyone know where I should install a mod to skip Peragus?

I recommend not using one.  The Skip Peragus and Skip Telos mods we listed on our TSLRCM Compatibility and Incompatibility Lists are firmly on the Incompatibility side.  If a mod is not on that Incompatibility list, it's a caveat emptor situation.

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Okay! Thanks so much! Do you have any recommendations for other mods for this game? 


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