Hassat Hunter

TSLRCM 1.7 released.

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Guest hkmandalore47

hi. im new to the new deadlystream website (i used to have an account on the old one). does TSLRCM 1.7 also include things that were fixed in 1.6?

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Guest Survivor

Guys, I'd like to really thank you for all work you've put into this restoration project. Last time I've played K2 was about 2 years ago and I remember crying over TSLRP, that such great mod was deeaaaadd. Now I'm playing K2 once again, but this time with TSLRCM and my first thought after completing Dantooine was like "Wow, it has changed soo much". Really! THANK YOU! Keep it up and we'll have M478E in no time :D

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Guest oxygen

Veeery god job and a lot of fun. Thx :unsure:

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Guest Nukle0n

Thank you very much, I love Obsidian Games but it's such a shame that their fans have to finish them for them.

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Guest OdanUrr

Great mod! When are we gonna see version 1.8? Keep it up! :unsure:

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Guest Krycek

Just wanted to say I've enjoyed the mod,the new dialogs and the HK factory made the game more complete.

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Guest zfil

Yes thanks for this wonderful mod, it make the game how it should have been released !

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Guest Caszidy

I just want to thank you for your amazing work!

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Guest Johnathon

Great jobs guys, keep up the good work on the mod.

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Guest MaximusLight

Well, I have to make an obligatory post to keep my account and I want to keep my account at least until the restoration is complete, so here it is.


Thank you for the mod, I can't wait until it's done and tuned up!


Looking forward to 1.8.

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Guest Razilius

This really is a great work guys. Thanks for the mod.

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Guest Spaz

Thankyou very much for this mod! :D

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Guest MaqxP

When will be TSLRCM 1.8?

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Panic spam! haha! seems a few got an Account Pruning‏ mail. Of course you're gonna post, you'll want to stay on such an awesome site. New mods being released after six years!

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Guest ralebeau

Got to keep up with this, the only way to play KotOR 2!

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Guest falafel23

I apparently have to post, so I'll just echo the other lurkers and say thanks for this mod!

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Guest Skimmer

TSLRCM 1.7 is great. Very thanks for this mod. ;)

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Guest quynnp

Panic post here too! But a good opportunity to say thanks for making TSL so much more interesting again! ;)

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So instead of having a lot of members with Zero post, we got all of 'em spamming the whole forum with thank you's and panic post. Vast improvement lol. I wonder if as many as 25 percent will post yet again afterwards...

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Okay, great mod. I just have one problem... I can't play the Malachor V part. The screen just stays black like on the Revanger... Can someone tell me which variable I have to edit with KSE to continue playing?


EDIT: Uh, just saved in the black screen then loaded it... Now I'm walking in the cut scene. ;)

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Okay, great mod. I just have one problem... I can't play the Malachor V part. The screen just stays black like on the Revanger... Can someone tell me which variable I have to edit with KSE to continue playing?


EDIT: Uh, just saved in the black screen then loaded it... Now I'm walking in the cut scene. ;)


Sounds like a mod conflict issue...

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