Sergio19922 2 Posted September 6, 2013 May I ask why in this website I can see a walk-through with so much content that seems to have not found his place inside Tslrcm? Am I wrong?For example during the meeting between Handmaiden and Kreia during Dantooine academy when you got to face the Jedi masters if you played a LS jedi ;DAnother example is the scene between Tobin and Darth Nihilus when Tobin says Nihilus there is a Jedi Academy on Telos. But I've never seen that scene. Why wasn't it added? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted September 6, 2013 2 Questions: 1. Have you beaten all of TSLRCM? 2. Which version do you have installed? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sergio19922 2 Posted September 6, 2013 1. Two times, in two weeks (don't ask me how much I played because I'm a student, I should be studying and instead I've beat both the playthrough in two days)two days for the LStwo days for the DS2. 1.8.2I've got some savegames if you need them. Both for LS and for DS (especially DS; I've saved the game before every major event) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted September 6, 2013 Interesting - so you never saw that scene? Tobin and Nihilus? It should happen right before you enter the Jedi Enclave... Every good college student procrastinates, my friend. Sadly, I can't say what might have caused you to miss that scene, but did you at least like the HK Factory? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sergio19922 2 Posted September 6, 2013 I've never seen these scenes Also,another thing that comes to mind:for the DS scene the scene between Tobin and Kreia didn't fire up,while in the LS playthrough it did.I'm referring to the scene where Kreia says Tobin that in Telos there is a Jedi' academy (the scene should happen on Onderon, after you have beaten Kavarr if I remember correctly). Should it happen for both alignment ?Thanks for the kind words about procrastination. At least it seems I'm not alone. The problem is that I see that my female mates have an edge over the males for their great competivity. Do you have similar experiences about these slight differences between males and females? It seems like female are more focused. Now I know why Kreia is female.I enjoyed the Hk factory a lot. In fact I even had to do it two times because the first time I started the Hk51 production lines (without knowing I couldn't rewrite their behaviour program) so the first time I had to terminate the factory (but I felt like the termination of the factory wouldn't be what Hk 47 would have done, especially with a DS exile). So I terminated the production and I was with my exile on Telos trying to help these soldiers managing to defeat the sith. Then suddenly I said: I can't terminate the factory. So I clicked "load game". You can imagine my surprise when I realized that I forgot to save before touching the HK console (the one on the side) and that the newest save that came right after was at factory entrance. HAd to redo it again. But in the end it was worth it. My Hk was really high level so the enemy Hk were tougher then normal and so it took a little more instead of my first LS playthrough. My very first. The one I did one week ago.So for answering your question. I played the Hk factory three times.One time LS Shut down the factory (last sunday)Two time DS - first time I shut down the factory - the second time I helped Hk-51 get the edge.I've got a savegame right in front of Kavar where I am buffed, just for you if you gotta test the scene of Kreia telling about the academy to Tobin.I'm playing with "difficult" setting,so switch difficulty to "difficult" if you got it any lower while fighting kavar and enjoy my Ds exile <3. And enjoy the loot AHAHA website may seem counterintuitive, but all you gotta do to download is just clicking on "000053 - Game52.rarEdit: another thing: I wasn't able to see the holorecord by T3-m4 with my DS playthrough. I don't know why but there is no option (you could check it yourself via the save I posted).But in my Ls playthrough I was able to see it. Maybe it is related to Revan choice in the game beginning, while talking with Atton ?Edit 2: what about this ?;90663Edit 3: mod is interesting, I was never able to find master infiltrator gloves in my playthrough. Was it mere chance, or did the infiltrator master gloves never join the kotor drop list ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sergio19922 2 Posted September 19, 2013 another issue: the ending video, when you are DS, and you decide to launch kreia in the empty surface of Malachor is blackened.Yes, you read well, blackened. I get a black screen and the video fires up only right before the end, when I see lightning coming from the planet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted September 21, 2013 I can only guess you didn't actually install TSLRCM (so you played vanilla) or other mods undid our changes. * There is no DS Onderon Kreia-Tobin scene, only LS. Actually DS/LS isn't even true, it's Talia or Vaklu. Talia, scene. Vaklu, no scene. * The Holorecord depens on your intelligence score... *OR* if you talked with Atton about the locked navicomputer pre-Telos. * No such scene. Zbyl made that all up, no restored content. If you want Vash alive use M4-78EP. * Third edit seems a generic bug. I'll fix that for 1.8.3 by editing the lootdrop file, rather than making an entire new item (as that's not much of a restoration). Why you wouldn't find said item is because the creator made them by themselves from scratch. * Try ctrl+tab then back into the game. Works for me when bink-vids or ingame remains black. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites