
[KotOR] Tentative Fixes in Manaan - Tester needed

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I need one volunteer able to test a few possible fixes for the Manaan section of the game.

Please reply here if you are available. A non-modded game is required.

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I need one volunteer able to test a few possible fixes for the Manaan section of the game.

Please reply here if you are available. A non-modded game is required.


I'm availabe!

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I am really grateful, Fair Strides.


Please tell me if you can do the following:


1) Go to Manaan

2) Go to the Mercenary Enclave

3) Speak to Shaelas and accept to investigate the issue of the missing young Selkath

4) Speak to the Iridorian Mercenary and ask about the missing young Selkath choosing the option "How many credits would it take to make my business your business?"


At this point the game dialogue should break, making it impossible to continue with the game. At least, that's what's happening to me. Can you confirm it?


Also please tell me if you could do the following:


1) Go to Manaan

2) Pay the fee to enter Atho City

3) Leave Manaan for any other planet 

4) Return to Manaan


In my experience, you'll find the door to Atho City still open, despite the Selkath Port guard telling you before that a fee is due for each time you leave the planet and then come back.



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I tested my fixes on my local install and I am successful but I need to have confirmation that I am not fixing issues that only happen to me.

If you Fair Strides and/or somebody else could take a few minutes to check that these bugs belong to the original game, I'd be happy to let you test the fixes for them.



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I tested my fixes on my local install and I am successful but I need to have confirmation that I am not fixing issues that only happen to me.

If you Fair Strides and/or somebody else could take a few minutes to check that these bugs belong to the original game, I'd be happy to let you test the fixes for them.




Both issues are confirmed, though the Iridonian one I got around by hitting either the 1,2, or 3 number keys at the top of the keyboard and then going back through the tree...

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Very well!

Would you mind downloading these files, place them in the Override and tell me if the problems are gone?




For the always-open-door issue please follow these steps:


1) Fly to any planet other than Manaan (it doesn't matter whether or not you paid the docking fee in Manaan already)


2) Go back to Manaan and go to Atho City entrance 


3) (you should find the door there closed) Pay the fee


4) Enter Atho City and go wherever you like


5) Leave the City 


6) Fly to any planet


7) Go back to Manaan and go to Atho City entrance (you should find the gate closed again, as they should be)



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Very well!


Would you mind downloading these files, place them in the Override and tell me if the problems are gone?




For the always-open-door issue please follow these steps:


1) Fly to any planet other than Manaan (it doesn't matter whether or not you paid the docking fee in Manaan already)


2) Go back to Manaan and go to Atho City entrance 


3) (you should find the door there closed) Pay the fee


4) Enter Atho City and go wherever you like


5) Leave the City 


6) Fly to any planet


7) Go back to Manaan and go to Atho City entrance (you should find the gate closed again, as they should be)




Yep, your fixes worked! Before release, you should probably  put the .are file into the .rim.

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Nice to know all seems to be fine.


About possible releases, I am not sure whether I should make any modification made by me "officially" public because I think I might mess things up any time. I'd rather have the K1 Restoration team take a look at it when time comes and decide if it's worth their time proof reading this stuff and make it part of their project.

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Nice to know all seems to be fine.


About possible releases, I am not sure whether I should make any modification made by me "officially" public because I think I might mess things up any time. I'd rather have the K1 Restoration team take a look at it when time comes and decide if it's worth their time proof reading this stuff and make it part of their project.


Ah. In that case, I'd send a PM to ZM90.

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