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Can these work together?

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I'm curious about weather or not these are compatible? Can you use this mod with zbyl2's TSL: Un-Restored Content (Final Version). I have them both installed, but the funny thing is if I install yours first his gives me all kinds of errors when I try to install it like an access violation or access denied or some other such thing, so I have to install his first and then yours and I'm wondering if this may cause problems.

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Including Czerka's attempt to take over Citadel station, Goto's Yacht exploding, and some infamous lines of Kreia's at the Jedi Enclave where she taunts each Jedi-Master in turn?

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1 and 3 aren't even in there, right?

Also, 2 would be ingame, unless you think about something else... (oxygen cut off?)

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Well, I wish zbyl2 and Dstoney64 would collaborate and find a way to add the stuff from zbyl2's mod into Dstoney64's mod.

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Well, I wish zbyl2 and Dstoney64 would collaborate and find a way to add the stuff from zbyl2's mod into Dstoney64's mod.


But we did,Everything Zbyl had done previously (Unrestored content mod) has been put into TSLRCM in some cases changed/improved, as well as Jingers Rebuilt Enclave Mod(Kreia's extra lines taunting the masters and more) and some others like MonoGiganto's T3 sound fix mod were also added. The only thing that was not added was Zbyl's Sion/Harbinger arrival mod, only because of file size.(it would double the overall size of the download)

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Is this compatible with the following mod?





Workbench Crystal Attunement




Colonel Tobin Meets Darth Nihilus


And while we're on the subject are those compatible with each other as well as your mod? Also about the USM is it really necessary to replace the dialogue files for the party? Will this cause conflicts if I do? Also do I replace the globalcat.2da. It seems to be a smaller file, but it has more lines. Yours stops at 998 and his goes to 1010. What's throwing me is logically that should be the bigger file, 'cause it has more lines of text in it but it's not. Weird.

Edited by Renodil

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Guest staticjoe66


A USM patch for TSLRCM is in the works currently being tested





The M4-78 mod is not compatible with TSLCM



I'm not sure about the rest of your list



Is this compatible with the following mod?





Workbench Crystal Attunement




Colonel Tobin Meets Darth Nihilus


And while we're on the subject are those compatible with each other as well as your mod? Also about the USM is it really necessary to replace the dialogue files for the party? Will this cause conflicts if I do? Also do I replace the globalcat.2da. It seems to be a smaller file, but it has more lines. Yours stops at 998 and his goes to 1010. What's throwing me is logically that should be the bigger file, 'cause it has more lines of text in it but it's not. Weird.

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Well, I wish zbyl2 and Dstoney64 would collaborate and find a way to add the stuff from zbyl2's mod into Dstoney64's mod.


They already did, it's called TSLRCM. The mod is made by Zbyl, Stoney and a host of other hard workers.

Edited by VarsityPuppet

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Don't know these.

Workbench Crystal Attunement







Colonel Tobin Meets Darth Nihilus

No. (Redundant, scene is in TSLRCM. Would definitely lead to conflicts)

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sorry for highjacking this thread but just have a quick question and i don't think i should start a new one... so here it goes:


is it possible to make M4-78 mod compatible with TSRCM manually? Should i try or not? just wanna know if it is do-able by manually combining the changes from both mods...

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