LancerChronics 0 Posted November 21, 2013 Well, I completed M4-78 successfully, and triggered the message from T3 to go back to Onderon. The main issue I had with M4-78 was all the journal entries were blank for quests added by the mod (which was frustrating, but I was still able to complete it and most of the side quests in it). If this is the only consequence of having H4F installed, then it was well worth it (and the journal glitch could have been caused by numerous other things as well, so who knows). Works for me, Full speed ahead! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 21, 2013 H4F doesn't modify globals.jrl, so it's not that. And good to hear it worked for you. If I only un-advised using it based on the Jedi Temple instead of the mod itself (which I made to boot) that would be pretty emberassing 0_o (PS. What did you think of M4-78EP?) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wasabi4lunch 6 Posted November 23, 2013 I have now completed the game successfully!!! I will probably try to see if I can figure out exactly which mod was causing the problems with the blank journal entries on M4-78. If I figure it out I will post it here. Regarding M4-78, it was incredibly well done, and really added to the game. I'm really curious now to know how much of the plot for that planet was left by Obsidian in the game files, and how much had to be written from scratch. Regardless, it really fits the story, and it was great to have the Vash story fleshed out! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 23, 2013 To answer your questions, in order; * Pretty much nothing. * Pretty much all of it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LancerChronics 0 Posted November 27, 2013 *Sigh* Dammit, why does nothing ever go right for me... I installed the mod, but I board the Ebon Hawk, leave Telos, Handmaiden, it goes straight into the regular convos...After which, I check the storage area, just in case, nobody there. So I Re-installed (ensuring I tagged admin), as I had a save right before the Ebon on board... nothing again. It's not just does nothing. As far as I can tell. • Installation started 11/27/2013 2:45:03 PM... • Installing unmodified files... • Saving unaltered backup copy of destination file 950COR.mod in C:\User..... • Replacing file holorec.dlg in the Modules\950COR.mod archive... • Replacing file a_play_mov.ncs in the Modules\950COR.mod archive... • Saving unaltered backup copy of destination file 610DAN.mod in C:\User.... • Replacing file disc_enc.dlg in the Modules\610DAN.mod archive... • Replacing file k_dth_givels_rct.ncs in the Modules\610DAN.mod archive... • Saving unaltered backup copy of destination file 350NAR.mod in C:\User.... • Replacing file chose.dlg in the Modules\350NAR.mod archive... • Saving unaltered backup copy of destination file 262TEL.mod in C:\Users.... • Replacing file a_hand_pc_end.ncs in the Modules\262TEL.mod archive... • Replacing file a_kreatris.ncs in the Modules\262TEL.mod archive... • Replacing file a_setup_ebo2.ncs in the Modules\262TEL.mod archive... • Saving unaltered backup copy of destination file 006EBO.mod in C:\User.... • Replacing file a_load006end.ncs in the Modules\006EBO.mod archive... • Replacing file k_attonend.ncs in the Modules\006EBO.mod archive... • Warning: A file named k_sup_galaxymap.ncs already exists in the override folder. Skipping file... • Replacing file handmaiden.dlg in the override folder... • Modifying file "globalcat.2da" found in Override folder... • Saving unaltered backup copy of globalcat.2da in C:\User.... • Updated 2DA file C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\override\globalcat.2da. • Done. Changes have been applied, but 1 warnings were encountered. Surely something should happen. What am I missing?! Does she appear later, when I try to take off? I though it occurred immediately after the Exile recording, with her saying "hey! those files aren't yours" or something. ...wait....duh ....damn good thing i make like a million saves, and have 1 outside the Telos Academy. Here you must pick one of the polite options, either telling her what the force feels like or what it's loss feels like. When she thanks you for the explanation, you MUST respond with: "If you have any further questions in the future, seek me out and ask them." ...if you want her to come along. If you say anything else there as a female Exile, she will not stow away on the Ebon Hawk and you'll pick up the Disciple on Dantooine instead as usual. I thought this was the easiest way to subtly indicate that she should come along without going outside the story and add a dialog option to directly tell her to come, which would ruin the stowaway "surprise" scene on the Ebon Hawk. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted November 28, 2013 So . . . now that you made the correct conversation choice, did it work correctly? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LancerChronics 0 Posted November 28, 2013 So . . . now that you made the correct conversation choice, did it work correctly? Yes, yes it did. Funny thing - I read the readme like 3 times, but for some reason, that section just didn't register. No issues currently. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites