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Markus Ramikin

Forum idea: Other mods

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Could we perhaps add another forum the "Kotor Mods" section of the board? Maybe Other Mods or General Mods Discussion or something like that. For those of us who aren't VP or Logan. :) At the moment, there are two sections: "Kotor Modding" and "General", but for the rest of us there's nowhere to post mods in the correct section.


The relevant threads could be moved there: the discussion of essential mods, my WCA mod, etc.


That might also encourage people to post more of their stuff, since kotorfiles are so slow to accept new submissions...


Just an idea, what do you think?

Edited by Markus Ramikin

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Guest bendarby24

i think that a good idear and kotorfiles since it last update it is sh.t and slow

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Could we perhaps add another forum the "Kotor Mods" section of the board? Maybe Other Mods or General Mods Discussion or something like that. For those of us who aren't VP or Logan. :) At the moment, there are two sections: "Kotor Modding" and "General", but for the rest of us there's nowhere to post mods in the correct section.


The relevant threads could be moved there: the discussion of essential mods, my WCA mod, etc.


That might also encourage people to post more of their stuff, since kotorfiles are so slow to accept new submissions...


Just an idea, what do you think?


I think it's a great idea. We should see if we can improve it a little bit over the TUCE from LucasForums.

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I'm up for this.


Are you wanting something like TUCE where people can announce their work or something like filefront where they can host it?

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I was just hoping for a new forum like VP's or Logan's. Had no idea what TUCE is until just now, anyway. (I'm still clearly a newbie in the SW/Kotor circles!). If you better informed people have more interesting ideas, go for it. :)

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I'm up for this.


Are you wanting something like TUCE where people can announce their work or something like filefront where they can host it?


I suppose either would work. Maybe a forum to announce the work or w/e and then a link that leads to the download which is hosted somewhere on this site? Idk, you know what would work best Doc.

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I'll take a look and see what I can do.


I think we might benefit from an additional server though if we're hosting files. The transfers will make the sites slow down and although it's a dedicated server it's not just [noparse][/noparse] hosted here. I'll have to find a way of generating a bit more revenue too, the ads don't even cover half the cost of one server yet.

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I'll take a look and see what I can do.


I think we might benefit from an additional server though if we're hosting files. The transfers will make the sites slow down and although it's a dedicated server it's not just [noparse][/noparse] hosted here. I'll have to find a way of generating a bit more revenue too, the ads don't even cover half the cost of one server yet.


If all else fails, we could always have people upload to or something.

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I think I'd prefer it all to be here. Hosting the files at other places you have the risk of them being deleted or moved etc.

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Whereas Deadlystream is a safe place where nothing has ever been lost. :)


Anyway I certainly didn't mean to generate more costs! If you wanna do that, go for it. Me, I'd be fine with just a forum.



the ads don't even cover half the cost of one server yet.

Should I turn off NoScript? :)

Edited by Markus Ramikin

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Whereas Deadlystream is a safe place where nothing has ever been lost. :)


That's why costs have gone up so much, I'm not trusting backups to anyone now.


Anyway I certainly didn't mean to generate more costs! If you wanna do that, go for it. Me, I'd be fine with just a forum.

I wont get another one straight away, I'll wait and see if it's used first before buying another server.


This one can handle it for a while yet but if a lot of people hosted mods here we would need another one.


Should I turn off NoScript? :)


I would love to put a big notice up saying "click the bloody ads!" but that would get us banned from adsense, we have to hope people would click the ads. It would be better if they were more relevant.

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