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Endar Spire

Swoop Bike Race Bug. All Races Like this

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Gave error when updating and im sure i have the 1.0a and 1.0b already.


Well, i guess i will have to re-install everything and lose all save games.

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How can you be sure, especially if you're getting that error? Do you have the original CD version of the game, the Steam version, or the Collection DVD? The latter two won't need to be updated.


If it's the original CD version, however, you'll need to update it. The US version only requires the 1.0b patch, specifically for the US version. Other nationalities will need the 1.0a patch first, then 1.0b. I think there is a UK version of these two patches, and another version for all of the others.

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Just for the record . . .


a) what format is your game : Steam, the original discs, or the Collection DVD?

B) Do you have US version or a foreign version?

c) What other mods - if any - are you using. Include all mods in your list.

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