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Hassat Hunter

Need some help from a sub

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So, with the help of a sub I got an artifact unlock (use purple items) for 1M of the GTN. Should make my life a lot more bearable (and myself more useful in engame ops and flashpoints), I thought.


After paying that huge sum (especially for us f2p), I find out... the item wont function. Dammit.


So mailing support, get a reply I have to call with VoIP. I hate skype. I hate calling. But I guess I have no choice.





As it may be someone else has the exact same issue;


As I can't post there (:() can somone mention I also have the issue? I really would ask myself, but since I can't. I would appreciate anyone who would help.

I just hope support reads it, and if they help us both at the same time instead of just the OP.


Account name Hassat-Hunter, char name Jaellan.


(asked the same on the Obsidian boards and Lucasforums. I spam, but really want to fix my issue. If only BioWare allowed us to actually properly contact them then I wouldn't need to, but I guess that's too much to ask for)

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Sure I will do it for you no problem :) I will post right now over there


Edit: Posted your problem along with character info and the like.

Edited by wvsnl

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You can try your luck at Btw I don't really think Bio cares much about us, F2P, they even haven't allowed us to write on the official forums (probably because we'll just constantly remind them how their F2P model sucks). I say don't get your hopes up.

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Thanks wvs. Hope to see you online again soon :).


@gua; Checked darthhater, not sure what you think it can help. Forums headlist on the right is filled with spam... :unsure:

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It's active and it's about TOR. I don't really check the forums but they post a lot of stuff about the game, like the datamined info about class changes in 1.7 so I thought you might find help there.

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No problem Hassat always happy to help. And I am also looking forward to play with you again. My jedi sage is still on Ilum were we left him 1,5 weeks ago :)

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I know I am really annoying, but can you bump the thread, wvs.


Was made in the weekend (no support) and fallen to page who-knows-where now before even got working days :/

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Nah you are not anoying I dont mind it, plus you have spend quite a lot of ingame money on that damn thing. So once again happy to help, besides thanks to you (and some others of course) i have Tslrcm so it seems only fair to return a favor :)


Edit: Bumped it

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Sorry we just missed you last time wvs.


And I assume with all the things 1.7 broke (repair, operations, the gtn) even if the thread was bumped now it wont last 10 minutes on page 1.


Guess I have to contact support with VoIP after all... and hope the "awesome" (sarcasm intended) 1.7 tweak to my item doesn't mean they only unlock it for Jaellan now instead of my entire account. That would suck...

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So, zbyl got an artifact unlock too... and he's running around in purple items already.


Meanwhile I still have this broken item that doesn't work...



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