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Citadel Station Entertainment Module 081 Extended?

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Hey, I have a question, if I may and I hope someone can answer it: I have noticed a long time that Citadel Station's Entertainment Module 081 isn't complete ( there are still a few doors that lead to different areas and I was wondering if it is possible to restore them into a mod that should be compatible with both TSLRCM and M4-78EP? Or if there is already a mod that does that, please give me the link ( and if the mod is on Filefront, then if you have the files and send them to me via email, I would appreciate it! )



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It's not really much a restoration per se as there's no material to place behind those close doors. That being said, it might make for a good place to mod in the cut dialogues of Lt. Yima and Lt. Atallo. Perhaps you might want to post something to that effect in the Requests thread?

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  On 1/11/2013 at 11:49 AM, Sith Holocron said:

It's not really much a restoration per se as there's no material to place behind those close doors. That being said, it might make for a good place to mod in the cut dialogues of Lt. Yima and Lt. Atallo. Perhaps you might want to post something to that effect in the Requests thread?


Sure, will do. Thanks for the input!

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SH don't forget about the walkmesh issue behind 1 of those doors

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