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Quan Drayen

Jedi Master/ Species: Kiffar


Drayen is your Jedi Master and one of the Jedi who went into Exile to hide from the Sith assassins. His Exile started near the end the Jedi Civil War due to an event he would rather forget. Drayen has always been a researcher at heart and has been seeking out the mysteries of the Force during his Exile in hopes to deal with the Sith threat only to discover the threat was defeated by the Jedi Exile over the skies of Telos IV.


Drayen and the remaining Jedi return to rebuild the Order. Drayen like many of the Lost Jedi, took on unofficial padawans who they trained in the Force. These unofficial padawans will become the next generation of Jedi and the first time in a long time that prospecting Jedi did not enter the academy at the age of two.


Drayen originally trained on Dantooine and knew the Jedi Exile.


Drayen will teach you the ways of the Force as you go through the game.


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Kaila Saris

Pilot/smuggler/ Species: Human


Kaila is your local swoop racing fun loving smuggler. Kaila and her partner Nindo are freelance smugglers who could be working for the Hutts’ one galactic week and the Exchange the other. The team is well connected in both organizations and with that comes even more individuals who would not mind you showing up dead or arrested by the Republic. Kaila is a speed junkie who loves the thrill of a pursuit and excitement of pulling off the impossible. She is known for her temper at times and getting thrown out of cantina due to a bar fight.


She is the pilot of the player ship- Raptor (Which was built by Nindo.)


She is also a possible love interest for the male PC if you can handle her wit.







Edited by Logan23

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