Rtas Vadum

SKIN:The Grid - Telos

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The Grid - Telos

A Modification for:

Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords


"The Grid - Telos"

Author: Rtas_Vadum














Although one can imagine that, before the devestation of it's surface, Telos might've been a bit less advanced in technology than some other worlds.

However, Citadel Station is likely to be the most recent technology. The Military Base has a similar look, as does the Telosian Academy Interior.




-Although it might be advertised as such(for a bit of simplicity), this is not a complete reskin of the Telos modules. As described above, it is only Citadel Station,

The Military Base(which includes the HK Factory), and the Telosian Jedi Academy. None of the surface textures(i.e the rock/grass textures) have been edited.






Extract the tga and txi files from the rar, and add them to TSL's override folder.


Recommendation: For a bit of simplcity, you can create a folder witin the override(naming it as what you wish, but something relating to this mod might be preferable),

and extract the files in this folder. This way, it is easy to remove, instead of having to search though the override.






If you installed in override:

Find all tga and txi files with the TEL_ prefix, and delete them.


If installed in a folder(i.e Override/Telos):

Just delete the folder containing the files for this mod.






Most mods(such as TSLRCM) should not cause an issue if this is used. However, if you are already using a similar mod(one that retextures an area or module),

then adding this will override all the files used by the current mod. Adding one when you are already using this, and your new one will override this one.






Most of the work for this mod was done soley by me. However, textures from this mod were used...


Telos Citadel Station Skybox - By Quanon





If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlyStream, or LucasForums.






Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this

modification and either Obsidian Entertainment, or any affiliated companies.


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