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Dialog.tlk mod missing

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Sorry if this is the wrong spot but whenever I try to download the Dialog.tlk mod, it says 'ERROR: File Not Found' on a blank white page.


Could someone please re-up it or give me a link to where I can download it? I'm restoring everything on my harddrive after a clean install but my most recent backup doesn't have my Override folder -.-.



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Well, since I needed to upload it anyway I replaced the .tlk file therein from the one hosted on this site with the most recent version we have (It probably will get a few more tweaks before 1.7 though).

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Also, as stated in the installation instructions you really shouldn't drop it in the override folder. It might work, but it would be better if you just placed it in the main folder, backing up the original (If desired).

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I've fixed the downloads section.


The files are stored in the downloads directory but the forums were looking for them in the download directory.

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