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You guys are my last hope - do you know about this Onderon bug?

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I got Kavar/saved the Queen from the General's initial assault, then I went on to get Vrook from Dantooine, and no message.

If you got Kavar/saved the Queen then how you dit that without the message? The message must appear before the Onderon civil war and as I understand you have already done all civil war.

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Reading the OE boards:

I did the initial Onderon bit, where you fight your way to the throne room through the drexl and you fight off the General's guys and decide to either execute him or take him prisoner. You go back to Onderon after that, to settle things for good, and that event will not trigger in my game.

Ehm... there is nothing after that. That's it. Not sure what you expect to happen. The Drexl and stuff is the return of Onderon part...

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Reading the OE boards:


Ehm... there is nothing after that. That's it. Not sure what you expect to happen. The Drexl and stuff is the return of Onderon part...


Wow, I feel super dumb. I should not stay up so late playing videogames, because it's done melted my brain.


I thought you went back again, because Geeda's quest didn't update; says I still need to stabilize Onderon. Anyone know scripts to force a quest update? Is that a glitch or did I need to go to Geeda before I finished Onderon?


Also, thanks. I can now continue with the endgame.

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I thought you went back again, because Geeda's quest didn't update; says I still need to stabilize Onderon. Anyone know scripts to force a quest update? Is that a glitch or did I need to go to Geeda before I finished Onderon?

While there *are* updates, they never actually get triggered ingame.

Just visit her and tell about Dxun and all should work out, and the quest should complete.

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Hm, Chemuel. As in Justicar Chemuel from the assault on Khorion IX? *grin*



The Warhammer allusion is a happy coincidence. Chemuel was a tweaked version of the archangel Chamael's name for my character in MxO. It just kind of stuck.


And thanks for the help, everyone.

Edited by chemuel

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