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Cloned Revan

Yavin IV and Exar Kun modules merging to add them to the Kotor 1 Restoration

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Hi there:


The purpose of this article is to discuss about the merging of Yavin IV and Exar Kun Tomb modules together to add them to the KotOR 1 Restoration.


The Yavin IV Module has 2 quests:

1 – Eliminate the Mandalorian inside the base

2 – Explore a tomb


The Exar Kun Tomb Module has 2 quests:

1- Defeat the Dark Jedis inside the Tomb.

2- Confront the Exar Kun Ghost


The Yavin IV and Exar Kun Tomb module have 2 tasks in common:

1- The playable character of Revan is exploring a tomb

2- The tombs are located in the planet Yavin IV.


In Yavin IV Module you will discover the fact that Trask Ulgo was not killed by Darth Bandon. Trask was seduced and turned into a Dark Jedi by Bandon.


The Yavin IV (TSL Patcher Update) (1.5) module can be merged to the Exar Kun's Tomb module when the playable character Revan opens the tomb on the Yavin IV. Once the tomb’s door is unlocked, Revan should defeat all the Dark Jedis at the entrance of the Exar Kun tomb before getting into the sarcophagus room. In the room of the Exar Kun’s sarcophagus, the playable character Revan should confront Exar Kum ghost. Of course, both modules Exar Kun's Tomb and the Yavin IV require dialog and voice sound. I consider that merging these 2 mods and adding them to the restoration mod will add a little bit of mystery to the KotOR 1 Restoration Demo (Beta).

These modules can be found in:


Exar Kun's Tomb



Exar Kun Tomb Module link


Yavin IV (TSL Patcher Update) (1.5)


Yavin IV Module link


Can it be done guys? :cool:

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That is not what the KotOR 1 Restoration is about though. K1R is a restoration mod not a merger of mods so this will NOT be happening.


You seem new here so you're probably not too familiar with how the KotOR modding community works but in order to have other mods in your mod you must have permission from the author of that mod.


The good news is those are likely compatible with the K1R demo though I can't promise the same for 1.0 or 2.0.

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