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Handmaiden-Visas Confrontation on Malachor V

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Hi there,


I know it has been talked about somewhere, but I just couldn't find the topic concerned. So my question would be how big a difference in influence does there have to be for Handmaiden and Visas to trigger the cutscene in which they go at each other on Malachor?


Thanks your answers in advance.

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Hmmm. And 'being pissed at you' also includes the cutscene she starts to pick on Visas and talk about what the Exile looks like to Visas's request, right? If that happens, will any accidental influence increase on Handmaiden affect the outcome on Malachor after that?

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Once she's pissed, she's pissed. Once the flags set... it cannot be undone for Malachor (well, with KSE you can, but you get the point)...

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Guest Vidisse

From what I have experienced, if you spend more time talking with Visas than Handmaiden she gets pissed. Every time I have ignored her and talked to Visas it has happened, and shortly through the second planet you visit. I haven't noticed the influence making that much of a difference, but it could just be coincidence.

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Just have got very interesting conversation between Visas and Handmaiden (Visas is light, Handmaiden is dark). :wub: But HM is still talk with my PC...

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