Hassat Hunter

Update on 1.8

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Progress is being made on 1.8. But with the many "when is it released?" questions, maybe it's time for an update.

Testing is underway. 2 severe gamestopping bugs have already been found and squashed. Who knows if there are more, until more testing has been done?

Aside from TSLRCM Zbyl and Stoney are busy with M4-78EP too of course, which limits their time available to work here. I, aside from testing, also do some dialogue fixing here and there. Mostly nitpickery stuff (since there is not a lot of cut content remaining that there is time to do that).

Remember a TSLRP tester on Mantis wanting Bao to look at the console on Telos sometimes? That's in 1.8.

Also a lot of small one-liners that were missing from TSL due to typo's. But mostly just VO that´s cut short, pauses after being done for a small while, wrong camera positions (each 3 were in the Kreia listen lesson on Nar Shaddaa, but no longer!), not the most interesting things to talk about.

But while there may be less additional content and cool stuff (like ingame Visas cutscene, Battle for Telos, ingame Dantooine movies) than there was in 1.6-1.7, all these little things polished together add more a feeling of a professional product. Well, more than already given of course.


Well, I will continue on trying to make 1.8 an as-bug-free and polished experience for everyone as possible now, the project is moving forward even if you don't see releases, getting a little better every day.

Until you get the full product in hand, have some screenshots of what you can expect to be additionally restored (or fixed, depends how you look at it), and isn't as boring as a VO line cut short :question:. I will post additional screens as I come along new stuff. For now there are just these 2.


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Really, thanks for the update. Looks interesting o.o

I finally got my english version of the game: Mods that won't need any disturbing translation I'm on my way (And yes: I know the lists which mods I shouldn't install with this one ^^):question:

Will be really interesting to see everything in the english version.

But again, it wouldn't be as interesting ,if there was no one who would work so hard to improve the game.

So a big thanks from me to you and the whole team ^^

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Looks awesome! Can't wait for the new release!

I'm about to start a new game due to graphics issues (finally got them fixed) and I was wondering if it would be a better idea for me to wait until 1.8's out, or continue with 1.7?

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Will zbyl2's Malachor Core Kreia Betrayal cutscene be added to RCM 1.8?

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I'm about to start a new game due to graphics issues (finally got them fixed) and I was wondering if it would be a better idea for me to wait until 1.8's out, or continue with 1.7?

Depends on how long you're willing to wait.

Will zbyl2's Malachor Core Kreia Betrayal cutscene be added to RCM 1.8?

You mean "Kreia's Fall"? Or something else?

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Depends on how long you're willing to wait.



Hmm...good point. I'll just start a game now. I can't wait, haha

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Guest staticjoe66

TYVM for the update HH :thumbsup:




Progress is being made on 1.8. But with the many "when is it released?" questions, maybe it's time for an update.

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I refused to play the abortion that was TSL until I heard about this restoration project awhile back. Good to hear now that it's getting some polish! Looking forward to it. Congrats on the progress thus far. :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the update, HH! :thumbsup:

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You mean "Kreia's Fall"? Or something else?

you got-it.

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Guest tpiom

It's good to hear this!


With each update you get closer to Obsidian's original idea of a complete KotOR II.


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From what I gather it still misses a few unique sounds. And it's just not the same without them...

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Guest Salk

Thank you very much for this update!


I am one of those who will certainly wait for 1.8 to be out before playing TSL again.

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Guest saki

From what I gather it still misses a few unique sounds. And it's just not the same without them...

can't be perfect, but hey... what are few sounds compared to all you've done till now. :thumbsup:

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Guest Slstoev

A few MBs? :harhar:

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Not necessarily TSLRCM related, but it's quite odd to feel how possibly spending 30 min trying to (futily) fix a cutscene might have saved me from being shot, as I was intending to go to the supermarket at that time... and there was a massive shootout there.


Grateful for TSLRCM for some entirely different reason.

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Oh wow. :harhar:


Glad you're okay, HH.

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Guest bendarby24

cant wait, keep up the good work :harhar:

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can't be perfect, but hey... what are few sounds compared to all you've done till now. :harhar:

What HH said was about a modification zbyl2 is attempting at a cutscene, not TSL RCM related :rofl:

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Guest wvsnl

Hassat hunter, do you live in the Netherlands? Because there has been a massive shoutoot yesterday here.

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

aaah, can't wait for 1.8 :harhar:! thanks, folks!


btw.: any info if there will bi a possibility for a compatible 1.8 & USM?

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I don't know whether to cry or smile, because I thought that all the cut-contents had already been restored and only bugs were being fixed in the upcoming releases.


In light of this, I'd like to ask a few questions:


Does TSLRCM 1.7 have all the cut-contents filling the gaps of the main storyline (I think of the end game here in the first place)?

Which version will be considered to be the final one?

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Guest tpiom

I don't know whether to cry or smile, because I thought that all the cut-contents had already been restored and only bugs were being fixed in the upcoming releases.


In light of this, I'd like to ask a few questions:


Does TSLRCM 1.7 have all the cut-contents filling the gaps of the main storyline (I think of the end game here in the first place)?

Which version will be considered to be the final one?


I don't think there is a final one... My guess is that they will continue to update and work on it until they are sick of it.

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