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Bronze Saber Fix?

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After poking around with the textures, I discovered the reason that the bronze and orange sabers look so similar. They use the same texture (w_lsabregold01.tga), meaning that the bronze texture (w_lsabrebrnz01.tga) is not actually used in the game. How would I fix this so that the bronze saber uses w_slabrebrnz01.tga?

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meaning that the bronze texture (w_lsabrebrnz01.tga) is not actually used in the game.

For starters, where did you find this? Looking through the texture packs, this file isn't even in there!

As for changing it, I have no idea. I think VP might now.

If both colors are in the game, just one doesn't show up, we'll probably add it for 1.8 too, but AFAIK everyone making them different so far made a custom color...

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I didn't even notice that. I downloaded a texture pack and it was included so I assumed it was a stock texture since there weren't any models included.


If both colors are in the game, just one doesn't show up, we'll probably add it for 1.8 too, but AFAIK everyone making them different so far made a custom color...

Well, since they aren't both in the game after all, I attached a .zip with a bronze blade texture I made based on the stock ones. You can use it in 1.8 if you want. It's technically a bug, so...


Anyway, how would I change the texture used for a blade? Is it a part of the model or somewhere else? I haven't modded KOTOR in quite a while.


EDIT: nevermind, I worked something out


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Anyway, how would I change the texture used for a blade? Is it a part of the model or somewhere else? I haven't modded KOTOR in quite a while.

It doesn't seem like your bronze texture is based on the biggest texture, so I probably would try do something with it myself instead, hopefully getting a better result (not to say your modification isn't good). People with medium or low texture detail would still get the high detail bronze ligthsaber, but I doubt just 1 is going to murder their PC's :).


EDIT: Just noticed that your custom texture has no "transparant background"... meaning it would appear with a black border ingame. Which would be bad. I don't have the means to make transparent .tga files, so if we decide to make a custom model I probably need VP to brew something up...

EDIT2: Or maybe my editing program is just really crappy at opening, since it doesn't want to properly load up the original files as transparent either. So... did you save it with a transparent background?


Could give some insight how you changed the models to use the modified color? I'm not really the modeller of the team, so I have no clue myself. I do noticed the sabers all have the same icon, but there's not much point changing that (if I even knew how too 0_o).

Edited by Hassat Hunter

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It doesn't seem like your bronze texture is based on the biggest texture, so I probably would try do something with it myself instead, hopefully getting a better result (not to say your modification isn't good). People with medium or low texture detail would still get the high detail bronze ligthsaber, but I doubt just 1 is going to murder their PC's :).


I pulled the file I worked from out of swpc_tex_tpa.erf so it should be the largest. :confused:


EDIT: Just noticed that your custom texture has no "transparant background"... meaning it would appear with a black border ingame.


The one I worked from, w_sabreblue01, had a black background. I also used a copy of it's .txi, which I forgot to include, with 'blending additive' and 'decal 1'. It worked fine when I tested it.


Could give some insight how you changed the models to use the modified color? I'm not really the modeller of the team, so I have no clue myself.


First I tried using a hex-editor on the model to change the texture references, but that just messed it up. I wound up just using customized textures for this mod. The .tga and .txi worked fine both with that on its bronze hilt and overriding the default blue saber, so it should work if somebody can make a model more in line with the stock ones.

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Could give some insight how you changed the models to use the modified color?

The blade color is stored in model. So basically all you need to do is just hex-edit the original saber model to use new texture and change it's number. And, of course, edit *.uti to use this edited model.

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I pulled the file I worked from out of swpc_tex_tpa.erf so it should be the largest. :confused:

Indeed it should be. Probably was my editing program displaying it lower than it should.

The one I worked from, w_sabreblue01, had a black background. I also used a copy of it's .txi, which I forgot to include, with 'blending additive' and 'decal 1'. It worked fine when I tested it.

Not sure about that. When opening the main menu "Kotor2" logo, my editing program also says it has a black border. Saving it in there, and then putting it in override, the black border appears ingame too. While an unmodified extracted file just displays fine.

But if you tested it... Maybe the .txi did it?

First I tried using a hex-editor on the model to change the texture references, but that just messed it up. I wound up just using customized textures for this mod. The .tga and .txi worked fine both with that on its bronze hilt and overriding the default blue saber, so it should work if somebody can make a model more in line with the stock ones.

Hmmmm, that sounds more like a job for VP. He probably could properly adjust it just fine, I would need to do a looooot of trial and error.

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Maybe the .txi did it?

You are right. All saber blades work this way - texture doesn't have alpha channel, but .TXI have instructions ('blending additive') which make black background transparent. 'Decal 1' in txi makes saber blade look like actual light beam.

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After poking around with the textures, I discovered the reason that the bronze and orange sabers look so similar. They use the same texture (w_lsabregold01.tga), meaning that the bronze texture (w_lsabrebrnz01.tga) is not actually used in the game. How would I fix this so that the bronze saber uses w_slabrebrnz01.tga?


Doesn't VP's High Poly Cans mod have an optional fix to this already?

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