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MOD:No Cross Class Skills by Eudalus - HoloPatcher Version

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No Cross Class Skills by Eudalus - HoloPatcher Version

No Cross-Class Skills - Compatible Version

Just a simple restructuring of Eudalus' "No Cross-Class Skills" mod that uses HoloPatcher for maximum compatibility with other mods

Original Mod:
No Cross Class Skills

Just run the HoloPatcher, but make sure to do so after any other mods that alter skills.2da

Copy the skills.2da from the mod's backup folder to your Override

Eudalus on NexusMods for original mod

- JC, Thor110, 91.90'sK, and everyone else in the Discord
- All the wonderful people who developed and honed these amazing modding tools
- BioWare for creating peak Star Wars
- Obsidian for somehow improving on peak Star Wars
- The communities at and for hyping me up and always being supportive of my mod projects

- 1.0.0 - 3/26/2025 - Release. Very simple mod, not anticipating any issues


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