tff500 1 Posted Monday at 12:22 AM Knights of the Old Republic 3 the return of Revan, it follows after my Dark Side Female ending to KOTOR 1 and my Light Side Male ending to KOTOR 2 Storyline It picks up after the Light Side Ending of KOTOR 2, which I would play with the Restored Content Mod, since Here you would have more Influence with Visas than Brianna who escaped and is found by Revan (whose female and our main Antagonist), during that time having building her Sith Army, making Brianna her Apprentice, which is Sensed by Revan's Lover Bastila (Yes Female Revan and Bastila are lovers), meanwhile back on the Ebon Hawk, Atton picks up a transmission from Rakata Prime by none other than Carth Onasi, who has been living there on his own for 5 years, when you Arrive and meet Carth he tells the Exile (Named Aidan Sunrider, and his Companions, call him that too in the mod) everything that happened in KOTOR 1 and gets a reunion with T3, HK and Cancerous on the Ebon Hawk and shows the Exile the Burials for Zaalbar, Mission, Juhani and Jolee. After leaving Rakata Prime, you arrive on Tattooine where Visas and Mira are captured by Slavers and sold off as slave dancers for Jaggo the Hutt, whose Palace is located on the other side of Tattooine you given assistance by Atton Rand's Childhood Friend Zak Skywalker (YES A SKYWALKER BABY!!!), Who helps them to get there by head to Moss Espa, located near his palace, you have to find your way through the Catacombs deep underneath the City where you find the Tombs of the Sith Lady Lessa Keto, the Brothers Ranar and Danar, The Sith Warrior Arron Hord (Who is actually Tulak Hord's Older Brother) and Darth Renon, However you have to find their enraged demonic spirits as Bastila (Our secondary Antagonist) as summoned them to deal with the exile) here is the Loot you will find in their Mummified Corpses in their sarcophagi, Lessa Keto (Woman on the Left), Ranar (The One Next to Lessa), Danar (the man one in the Middle), Arron Hord (The Man Standing Next to Danar) and Darth Renon (the one on the right) Lessa Keto's Mummified Corpse: Lessa Keto's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Lessa Keto's Sith Lightsaber Lessa Keto's Jedi Lightsaber Lessa Keto's Jedi Robes Lessa Keto's Holocron (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Lessa Keto's Armband (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Lessa Keto's Vibrosword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Ranar's Mummified Corpse: Ranar's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Ranar's Sith Lightsaber Ranar's Jedi Robes Ranar's Jedi Lightsaber Ranar's Mask (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Danar's Mummified Corpse: Danar's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Danar's Sith Lightsaber Danar's Jedi Robes Danar's Jedi Lightsaber Danar's Katana (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Arron Hord's Mummified Corpse: Arron Hord's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Arron Hord's Sith Lightsaber Arron Hord's Vibrosword Double Sword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Darth Renon's Mummified Corpse: Darth Renon's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Darth Renon's Sith Lightsaber Darth Renon's Holocron Darth Renon's War Sword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Later you get to the palace where Mira and Visas are held as Jaggo's slave girls both dressed in the Dancers Outfit That is all for now Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites