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MOD:Better Jekk'Jekk Tarr Thugs

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Better Jekk'Jekk Tarr Thugs

Mod Description
This mod aims to give weapons to the Patrons of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr who attack you with their bare hands - mostly gands and rhodians (a very sensible choice against an armed jedi).
Also don't you find it weird how every patron of this bar are relaxing, but with their weapons out? This mod also makes it that they only draw their weapons once they become hostile and not by default.
Ossluk stats have also been slightly increased as part of this mod, and his gauntlets are dropped once you kill him.


Prerequesite: TSLRCM needs to be installed - and not through the Workshop for Steam users - for this mod to apply correctly
1. Run the HoloPatcher.exe and point your game directory when requested,
2. Click 'Ok' and let the patcher do its magic,
3. You're done ! Unless an error message appears the mod should be installed correctly.


This mod should be compatible with any mod that does not replace the utc files for the bar patrons in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr or edit the script that turns them hostile.


Special Thanks to
Snigaroo for the idea of this mod
TSLRCM team for the amazing work on the game
Blue for the Kotor Scripting Tool
Cortisol for the Holocron Toolset
th3w1zard1 for the HoloPatcher



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