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How to start modding KotOR

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I've been wanting to do my own mods for a while now, but haven't known how or where to begin, or what I might need. The only modding experience I have is writing a few scripts for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I would greatly appreciate it if you could give some starting points please and/or thanks.

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Guest Darth_Shan

First you want to make sure that you have all the knowledge required to start modding KOTOR. HERE you can find tutorials and links to tools required to mod KOTOR

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I pretty much got all my tools from here: - Knights of the Old Republic - Kotor TSL - The Sith Lords


Just mess about a bit and all should be clear (well, mostly it was to me).

Still, I rather leave the .nss and .ncs stuff to Zbyl and Stoney and the rest, I much rather use the .dlg editor (which they find difficult for some weird reason I cannot phantom :D)

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Well, I've got both, and bead-v's been helping me out with the scripts, so where should I start with the DLGEditor, HH? (As is my usual ending, any help would be greatly appreciated)

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Well, for starters, use the one by tk102, not the one in the KOTOR tool (since it doesn't quite work with KOTOR2).

Besides that... well check out a few of KOTOR's files (just browse a few from the override folder). I would say everything should become pretty clear by itself pretty soon, but apparently not everyone agrees.


So if you still have questions after that, feel free to ask them here :P.

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Update on my progress: I'm in the process of making a mod that adds a Twi'Lek to Peragus that tries to salvage your ship. Dialogue written, bead-v's helping me get through and is checking the dialogue to make sure I've got everything right.

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first i'm not american and i dont write English very well, so I apologize up front...


well i'm with some ideias for one rabalance mod using the rules and progression of talents and classes of the pen an paper rpg Star wars saga edition. but i'm practically do not no anithing of moding. so you people can give some hints.



1) i'ts possible make That's what I want??


2) wath part exactly of the moding i'm have to learn?


3) if somebody no any good tutorial for that?

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Guest bendarby24

haaaaaaaaay im not american and i speak english...that because i am english....that why it called english! god i hate when people do that....noo afence america :( i just hate when people do that..... we was one off the greatets countrys in the wourld .....we were kings off the sea... we toke over hafe off the wourld

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OK, if we want to discuss languages, I offer to open a thread about them, but for now, let's keep this about modding.

In this space there used to be a list of grammar mistakes, but due to information given after the post it was deemed unfair on the target, thus has been removed.

Edited by Mandalore
Being unfair in light of new data.

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2) wath part exactly of the moding i'm have to learn?


I think you have to modify the autobalance.2da, but beyond that I don't know, so I'm leaving that to the experienced modders.

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Does anyone know how I might make a mod that lets Bao-Dur have the Armor Proficiency: Heavy feat?

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Guest HaVoKeR
Does anyone know how I might make a mod that lets Bao-Dur have the Armor Proficiency: Heavy feat?


I guess this is my entrance... well with kotortools you can edit pretty much everything that doesnt envolve changing what feats does, you can even mess with some stuff about spells (force powers)

The thing about medium/heavy armors you want is related to feat.2da, theres 3 collums there only for the exile bonus feats, its something like: "jg_pc_gain" (or JC/JS)

feats that has a value 1 in that collum will be granted to him at lvl 1, in my mod for e.g. i gave him security and repair, because these both are way to important for the game (upgrading/breaking items, opening everything for xp) you could also give heavy/medium armor (i recommend respecting the tree, so if you want heavy, give him medium armor too).

There are other collums in that, the normal ones have the following vallues; 1 means you have given access to that feat for the respective class, 2 dont remember, guess its not much important (maybe something about bonus feats, but kotor dont use bonus feat system), 3 means this class gain this feat for free at specific level, 4 means its not accessible. Theres a collum right at the side of this one: granted on lvl, guess its intuitive =p but it means the level the class get the feat (must have the number 3 in the list left of it).

This way ive done almost everything in my mod, modding .2da with kotor tools is always intuitive, so if you are in doubt, follow your instincts and test it, maybe you will get exactly what you want. =) dont forget saving your changes in a file and placing it in override folder... always make backups.

Edited by HaVoKeR

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OK, I'm trying to spawn a Twi'Lek on the Ebon Hawk, I've written the script and the person's not spawning.

Here is the script:


void main()
  CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "per_twi", Location(Vector(55.87571, 66.67738, 1.80000), 0.27872*180/PI));


What's wrong with it?

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I've got the utc in my Override folder, as I made him myself.



Oh, and on another, far less important note, how do I edit armour in GIMP? Because I think the Matrix Armour looks hideous...

Edited by Mandalore

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I've got the utc in my Override folder, as I made him myself.

Have you tried inserting it directly into the 003EBO module file (003EBO_s.rim)?

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Ahh modding Kotor, one of the more frustrating yet fullfilling projects I've ever done, truly wortwhile if you ask me. (And I only flipped a few robes around/changed some music). It gives oneself a grateful attitude towards the developers and how much time and effort it took them to create such a masterpiece.

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