
High Res Menu Mod, health bar size

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Hi! I just installed this mod: and I was curious if anyone could help with this issue.

I am trying to get Kotor 1 to look good on my 3840x1600 monitor, and although everything seems to working fine, I was wondering if there was any way to correctly fit the in-game HUD to my resolution, while not scaling up the size of it. The only part that is really bothersome is the size of the health bars of targets. They seem to stretch across the screen. I'm okay with having the entire HUD really tiny if it means not having humongous health bars. I'm not sure which .gui files are relevant.


Edited by zac

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I assume you're using one of the 21:9 GUI sets? Should be the closest for your resolution's aspect ratio (24:10). You could try picking a smaller resolution (like 2560x1080 or 1280x1080) and see if that helps.

As to the health bars, I'm not sure where they are defined. I'd have to go digging. I know I edited the barkbubbles before (the pop-up speech bubbles you get from ambient NPCs, etc.).

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Yea I messed around with the other resolutions in the 21:9 folder, and although doing a smaller resolution shrinks the HUD and healthbars, it also shifts everything out of place on screen. I learned that it's related to these GUI files:


I messaged the creator of the mod to see if they can shed any light, but it's not the end of the world if I have to deal with the long bars. Thanks so much for the quick reply though!

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8 hours ago, zac said:

I messaged the creator of the mod

Unfortunately ndix UR hasn't been active for a long while now, so you're not going to get a response.

Fortunately it's not too difficult to edit the GUIs yourself with a GFF editor, although it can be a little daunting at first.

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I'd suggest the Visual KotOR GUI Editor over GFF for most users.

It does require that you fill a folder with all of the required images so that it can load them though.

But it's a fairly simple process, from what I recall I extracted them all as .tpc with KotOR Tool and converted them all to .tga with Xoreos tools.

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Cool! I'll look into this, thanks for the helpful responses! May the force be with you.

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