
Balance in the Force: Robes/Armor Discussion

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With BitF's initial framework complete, I've moved ahead to rebalancing equipment. I started out with robes and armor and I have some ideas I'd like discuss with anyone interested.

I have two ideas I'm tossing around in my head.

1. I'd like to make certain pieces of equipment like Exar Kun and Darth Bandon's armors compatible with all force powers

2. I'd like to make Robes function like regular armor in that they provide a proper defense score rather than just the bonus that gets capped at +10.

One of the chief reasons for the second reason is that it's so extraordinarily easy to cap that bonus that powers like Aura/Shield/Armor are totally unnecessary. To this end I've also removed Knight and Master Speed.


1. These two ideas make each other redundant.

2. An armor that provides 8 AC and let's you cast supercedes all but the latest game robes. So the armor itself will have to be brought down to 4 or 5 AC max.


1. The unique robes cap at 3 AC and the armors cap at 4 or 5 AC.

2. The robes give that Force Regen bonus that they give in TSL.

Does anyone have any criticisms, suggestions, or big ideas I should consider regarding armor?

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