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Restoration of cut Korriban academy areas in Kotor 1?

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I find it really interesting how in this beta screenshot of the Korriban academy, there is an open area in the background which is otherwise just a static door in the final game. This area is included in TSL, it's the small area you receive Thorium charges. I believe it's supposed to be some kind of library. There is another static door close to the one in question which also leads to an actual location in TSL, another set of barracks. 

It's seems that the the academy library was included in the early build of Kotor. It's also possible that the barracks nearby in the other static door led to the previously mentioned barracks as well, but we have no definitive proof of that.

This is a really far fetched request and one I'm not expecting to realistically happen, but it would be so cool to see these areas restored somehow to the first Kotor. IDK how, ripped and rigged (for a lack of better wording) from TSLs module onto Kotors. If not that, then something made from scratch. 

Even if nothing comes out of this request, it's nice to just let people know that the Korriban Academy actually had cut content that was restored in TSL, ironic for a game with so much cut content itself.

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