
Star Wars Role-play (RP) Thread

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((Set a couple of days into the Jedi Civil War. I'm not yet Mandalore, I'm just going with the Bralor 12 - see blog - striking both Republic and Sith))


*The leader of the Bralor 12, known as Al'verde, walks into the cantina in the guise of a casual yet adept Pazaak player*


*He makes his way to the table at the back of the room, hoping his informant is intelligent enough to give him the information he requested without any complications*


((This is when someone else posts as the informant, or any other character they like))

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(I should point out that any HK speak in this thread (except for when an HK unit is speaking) is just indicating the manner of speech.)


*Ten minuets later a bar patron stumbles to the table barely able to stand, and sits down, almost missing the chair completely.


Query: *Patron's voice* Yhouuu llookch likche a sheeazoned pashzaakch *hic* plaayer. You whanna play a ghame?


Request: *Al'verde's voice* I'm actually waiting for someone specific to play with. Please leave and go buy yourself another drink.


Suggestion: *Patron* Whuy don'tsh yhouu plhay me to pasch the time while yhou wait. *hic*


Irritated Statement: *Al'verde* No.


Indignant Statement: *Patron* I inschistht.


*Al'verde found it a bit odd that someone so drunk would be so insistent rather than suggestive. He decided to take the patron up on his offer.



(I hope that isn't too much. I couldn't help myself.)

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((No, that's absolutely fine. Controlling other characters is acceptable up to a point (what you did is OK, making other people die and other plot-destroying stuff isn't), it can actually make the plot very interesting with unexpected outcomes for all characters))


He's drunk and insistent. That generally means he's inept, and simply wants some money to buy another drink, Al'verde thinks.


*Al'verde takes his side deck, deals out the first cards and the game begins*


*A 9 is dealt to Al'verde, and a 4 to the drunk. Al'verde has a side deck of +3/-3, -4, +2, +1/-1. He decides to wait to play cards, as any player would, and lets the game continue*


((You don't have to just make your move, controlling others in this instance I'll accept, the floor is yours))

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((I should also mention that double posting is allowed in RP to move storylines along if needed))


*The drunk thinks for a moment, then decides not to do anything. A 5 is dealt to Al'verde, and a 7 to the drunk. Again, Al'verde waits before using any side deck cards*

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*The drunk puts down a double card and ends his turn. Al'verde is dealt a 1, as is The Drunk.*

He definately knows his cards, I'll give him that, thinks Al'verde.

Al'verde once again waits for a better opportunity.

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*The drunk stands on 19, Al'verde is dealt a 3. He plays his +2 card, getting him to 20 and winning the first round*


That was surprisingly close for a drunk. Maybe he's not so inept, maybe he's a skilled actor. If there's a way to check his blood... Al'verde thinks.


*Al'verde inconspicuously picks up a small shard of broken glass from the floor and makes a small cut on the drunk's arm*


"I do apologise! Allow me to clean the wound!"


*He takes a sample of the blood and transmits it back to his ship for analysis*

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*Al'verde sits back to play the game while he waits for the analysis to be completed and sent back.*


*The Drunk starts round two off with a 7. Al'verde is dealt a 10 and hides his sour look behind a mask of confidence.*


This drunk will take all night thought Al'verde. *He casually clasps his hands behind his neck to cup his head in his hands, as if to wait on the drunk.*


After another ten minutes of inactivity, and just when Al'verde thinks the Drunk is asleep, he stands on his 7 and the round ends, just as the analysis comes in.


*Al'verde is dealt a 9 and plays his +1/-1 as a +1 to stand on 20. The Drunk is dealt a 8 and surprises Al'verde by playing a +5 to tie the round.*


*Al'verde checks the sample when the Drunk is besieged with a racking cough and is only slightly surprised that the Drunk is only half-drunk. He has enough in him to forget old memories.*


Or do something he has doubts about thought Al'verde as he re-positioned himself in his chair, so as to be able to execute a lunge in any direction should the Drunk attempt anything.

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*Al'verde is now dealt a 5, as the drunk is dealt a 6*


Oh, great. Just perfect - even more time for this dikut to make a painful mistake, Al'verde thought.


*Neither plays a card, and they are dealt cards again. Al'verde is dealt a 9, and the drunk is dealt a 7*

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