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Padawan Style Robes Mod for TSL

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I love using JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1, but there's no similar mod for K2 that changes all the robes to have the "Padawan-style" model. I've found a few good ones, but there are robes I don't like in each. I'm thinking of picking and choosing the robe models I like from each of these mods: 


Achillies TSL Robe Mod (TSLRCM Edition)

jonathan7's Force Fashion, only planning on using one texture from this mod, the reskin for Jolee's Robe that makes it look like Jolee Bindo's default clothing in K2. And I like the idea of each of the Jedi Masters having unique robes, but I don't like the texture Vrook's has and would like to change it, and Zez-Kai Ell's too. 

Shem's Prequel-Style Robes


Would it be fairly easy to just switch out textures for ones I like in each of these mods, copy/paste and rename the ones I like, and place them into override? Or is it more difficult than that? 


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Yes, there's 2 robe models in K2, the padawan one and the knight/master one. One has the flap in the middle and the other has 2 flaps and a gap in the middle. Textures only work with one of those 2 models. Apart from that, yes, you can replace things by making sure the filename is correct.

There's 2 approaches if you want to replace the knight/master model:
1 - Edit appearance.2da so that all the player and party members only use the padawan model.
2 - Replace all the item files so that they point to the padawan base item.

NPCs are a bit more flexible, you can dress them up with an item or you can change their default clothing (or no clothing look).

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1 hour ago, Effix said:

Yes, there's 2 robe models in K2, the padawan one and the knight/master one. One has the flap in the middle and the other has 2 flaps and a gap in the middle. Textures only work with one of those 2 models. Apart from that, yes, you can replace things by making sure the filename is correct.

There's 2 approaches if you want to replace the knight/master model:
1 - Edit appearance.2da so that all the player and party members only use the padawan model.
2 - Replace all the item files so that they point to the padawan base item.

NPCs are a bit more flexible, you can dress them up with an item or you can change their default clothing (or no clothing look).

Sounds like I can put in Override what I want, edit the filenames to the appearances I like, and for NPCs, just edit them in 2DA.

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Short answer; yes, and let us know if you run into problems.

This is digging a little deeper for Vrook:


He's wearing a Jedi Master Robe, but you could change that, have an edited npc_vrook.utc in your override with something else equipped.

With KotOR Tool you can change the vanilla item that's equipped to the chest, you need K-GFF to equip a non vanilla robe. For example, one that you added yourself, that uses/points to a new texture.

p.s. KotOR Tool also tends to destroy multi language aspects of an item, which is fine for most people, but that can also be avoided with K-GFF. It keeps a dynamic reference to a language specific version intact.

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On 4/2/2024 at 4:02 PM, Effix said:

Short answer; yes, and let us know if you run into problems.

This is digging a little deeper for Vrook:
He's wearing a Jedi Master Robe, but you could change that, have an edited npc_vrook.utc in your override with something else equipped.

With KotOR Tool you can change the vanilla item that's equipped to the chest, you need K-GFF to equip a non vanilla robe. For example, one that you added yourself, that uses/points to a new texture.

p.s. KotOR Tool also tends to destroy multi language aspects of an item, which is fine for most people, but that can also be avoided with K-GFF. It keeps a dynamic reference to a language specific version intact.

I noticed that jonathan7's mod says to install Svosh's collar fix. Do I have to do that? I'm just going to use the Handmaiden robe texture, the Jolee Bindo robe texture, and the robe textures for Kavar and Lonna Vash. Guess I could install jonathan7's mod first, then put Shem's and Achillies mods on top of that and change Zez-Kai Ell and Vrook's robe textures. 

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7 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

I noticed that jonathan7's mod says to install Svosh's collar fix. Do I have to do that? I'm just going to use the Handmaiden robe texture, the Jolee Bindo robe texture, and the robe textures for Kavar and Lonna Vash. Guess I could install jonathan7's mod first, then put Shem's and Achillies mods on top of that and change Zez-Kai Ell and Vrook's robe textures. 

Not sure why, though. Svosh's collar fix only updates textures and then jonathan does the same.
But sure, just try/test things and you'll see if something needs adjusting.

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