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MOD:Droid Feat Availability Change

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Droid Feat Availability Change

Droid Feat Availability Change
By djh269 
Date: 18.02.2024

- A small change to the feats that are available to both HK-47 & T3-M4. 
- Changes the Blaster Integration feat desription of T3-M4 to match up with his ability to use new larger blaster types. 
- Grants Weapon Proficiency Blaster Rifle and Heavy weapons to T3-M4 at level 1 as per other characters.

Should be compatible with any mods, if not, reach out and I will seek to change that. 

KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher – stoffe & Fair Strides

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  • Category
  • K1R Compatible


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