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MOD:maverick187's Megido & The Avenger [Lightsaber Models for KotOR1]]

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maverick187's Megido & The Avenger [Lightsaber Models for KotOR1]]

Megido & The Avenger - Lightsaber Models: created by: maverick187
Creation date: March 27th, 2005
PART I: Introduction (prt1)

Greetings these lightsaber models are completely new models made from scratch by myself in gmax.  It adds a little more diversity to look at while plain the game versus those aluminum cylinders that the game calls a lightsaber.  Enjoy the new models.
PART II: Table of Contents (prt2)

PART I      -   Introduction (prt1)                        
PART II     -   Table of Contents (prt2)
PART III    -   Features (prt3)
PART IV     -   Sabers and Crystals (prt4)
PART V      -   Installation (prt5)
PART VI     -   Uninstall (prt6)
PART VII    -   In-Game Placement (prt7)
PART VIII   -   Bugs (prt8)
PART IX     -   Acknowledgements and Credits (prt9)
PART X      -   Item Cheat Codes (prt10)
PART XI     -   Screenshots (prt11)

PART III: Features (prt3)

This mod includes 2 new saber models and three new sabers (the regular and short saber use the same model), all are upgradeable, and creatable, the stats of the sabers are the same as the game’s regular sabers though.

--> 2 new saber models

--> 3 new sabers to play with

--> 1 new custom saber color crystal

--> In-Game Placement for ease-of-use

PART IV: Sabers, Crystals (prt4)

This mod includes 3 new sabers, and 1 new crystal, the following are small descriptions of each.

Megido Lightsaber & Megido Shortsaber:
Blade Color: Red

Hilt Type: A curved hilt with an end spike, ridges and slanted emitter

Color Crystal: Ancient Sith Crystal

In-Game Description: Traditionally associated with the Jedi, the lightsaber is a devastating weapon difficult to master. Properties can vary with the type of focusing crystal used in construction.  This particular design, known as the "Megido" design, derives from the original design of an unknown Ancient Sith Lord.  The original saber has been cataloged and placed in the Jedi Archives.

The Avenger Double-Bladed Lightsaber:
Blade Color: Red

Hilt Type: A double-bladed shaft with center ridges, and two sets of spikes on either side, symmetrical and features two-sided emitter guards on each side of the hilt.

Color Crystal: Ancient Sith Crystal

In-Game Description: These exotic weapons are rare, and most often associated with Jedi attracted to the dark side of the Force, for whom reckless aggression is sometimes considered an asset. The double-bladed lightsaber is capable of inflicting more damage - but is also less precise - than the single-bladed variant.  This design was originally created by an ancient Sith Marauder, it carries with it a history of innocent deaths.  Although this is just a replica of the original, which is stored in the Jedi Archives, it's appearance still strikes fear in the eyes of most Jedi.

PART V: Installation (prt5)

1. Create an override folder within your KotOR 2 directory, if you do not have one already.

2. Extract all of the files in this file into your override directory, if you are prompted     to overwrite any .2da file proceed to step three, if you are not then installation is       complete.

3. If you are prompted to overwrite any .2da file note which file it is and then follow the    following compatibilities guide if you have other mods installed which use the same .2da     files:

  |The .2da file                |   The compatible mods
  |upcrystals.2da           |  RedHawke's Exile Item Pack, Darkkender's Guardian Saber mod, and Xcom's Dual-wielding Double-Blades mod, Shadow Blade's mods, RedHawke and My Prestige Pack
  |upgrade.2da               |   Envida's Complete Mods, RedHawke's Workbench Robes mod, and Darkkender's Segan Wyndh Pack
  |itemcreate.2da          |   [ RedHawke's Workbench Robe Mod, Darkkender's Segan Wyndh Pack

  |itemcreatemira.2da  | RedHawke and My Prestige Pack, and Prime's Stormtrooper Mod

4. If you have your own custom conflicting .2da file or a .2da file that is from a mod not     listed here you will need to merge your .2da files, please go to the tutorials section      at Holowan Labs for information on how to merge .2da files. Link in PART VIII.

5. The following is a simple tutorial on making your upcrystals.2da file compatible with       this mod.
    + Download KotOR Tool.  Can be found at Holowan Labs, link in PART VIII
    + Open KotOR Tool and click the 2da button in the top left corner, open the                   upcrystals.2da file from your override folder.

    + Now scroll down to a new row and type the following:

|(Row Label)|     label                     |   template              |  shortmdlvar             |  longmdlvar             | doublemdlvar |
|next number|MavModels_Crstl  |   mav_drkcrst001 | mav_w_mgdssbr01 | mav_w_mgdsbr01 | mav_w_avgrsbr01|

*Note the top row are the names of the columns of the 2da file, you enter the 2nd row.
    + now click in an above entry and go File->Save as 2DA V2.b and save it in your               override folder

PART VI: Uninstall (prt6)

Simply remove all of the files from your override folder.

PART VII: In-Game Placement (prt7)

You can build the sabers and any workbench that allows for item creation, when you reach certain qualifications.

PART VIII: Known Bugs (prt8)

There are no known bugs at this time.

If you discover a bug, please report them to us at the Holowan Laboratory Forum at or more specifically:

You may also e-mail me at (see read me for e-mail) although you are much more unlikely to get a response there as it is rarely checked.

PART IX: Acknowledgements and Credits (prt9)

Fred Tetra: Without your tireless effort on the creation and continued dedication to upgrading your incredible KotOR Tool this mod would not be possible, for that we are all in debt to you, and we cannot thank you enough.

tk102: KSE has helped us in numerous ways, testing out the mod, and for the pure enjoyment of creating the "Super Jedi" lol, also your help and guidance has been tremendous, thanks.

T7nowhere: Thank you, for the encouragement early on when I started modding way back in KotOR 1, and for the tremendous amount of help when I was learning to model, I owe a lot to you, thanks T7,

svösh: In many ways you have been my greatest mentor, encouraging me early on in the KotOR1 days, helping me learn the basics of skinning and texturing and teaching me some of the finer points of Photoshop, and for the help and direction when I tried to model, and for letting me use your custom shader for almost all of my mods, thank you svösh.

RedHawke: Well, we have teamed up for many a few mods and they have reached great success, thanks for all the help with everything, scripting etc. maybe not in this mod, but in others, thanks.

Holowan Labs: Thank goes out to all the support from everyone at Holowan Labs, for the helpful comments in the W.I.P. thread and for continued support.

PART X: Cheat Codes (prt10)

Color Crystals:
mav_drkcrst001 = Ancient Sith Crystal

mav_w_mgdssbr01 = Megido Shortsaber
mav_w_mgdsbr01  = Megido Lightsaber
mav_w_avgrsbr01 = The Avenger (double-bladed saber)

PART XI: Screenshots (prt11)

[links removed as they are now dead links]


NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod – like most of the mods in the JumpStationZ Archive - has not been tested recently.  (Note the creation date above precedes both K1CP and K1R.)  If you download and install this mod, you assume all risk.  Additionally, you may note that this mod has no screenshots other than the old JumpStationZ logo and the title of the mod.  Feel free to include screenshots with your review if you feel moved to.


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