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MOD:Quest for tk102's birthday (February 4)

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Quest for tk102's birthday (February 4)

Quest for tk102's birthday (February 4)
By Darth333 et al.

Original upload date: February 4th, 2005)

New Models by: svösh (hv88 blasters), Seprithro (blaster model), t7nowhere (saber models + birthday cake)

This is a side quest in which you have to find some items required for the preparation of tk102's birthday.
The quest spans over three planets and includes new areas and many hard enemies (for cheaters or high lvl characters only!)

To begin the mission, go to the swoop registration office in Tatooine and listen carefully.
(Do not warp to the new areas: you'll get stuck.)

Explore the various dialogue options as they can sometimes lead you to different solutions and items.
But remember, if you disobey the orders given to you,  you better travel around well armed!
And if you speak badly of some people, expect to gain DS points! Some doors maybe locked,
it's up to you to discover how to open them...

(Note: once you have unlocked the door in Dreshdae, to enter, look down, just in front of the door. The "lock" is placed a little low )

Some of the dialogues in this mod will make more sense if you are a regular member of Holowan labs. In any event, I suggest you play Doom_Dealer's Holowspire mod to fully understand the dialogue with Doom_Dealer.

Many members of LucasForums, mainly from Holowan labs, make at least cameo appearances in this mod:
Boba Rhett (da boss man)
Fred Tetra
FiEND_138 and his band

Unfortunately, tk102's birthday is on February 4th and due to this "deadline" I couldn't
include more people although I wanted to.

You'll find svösh's blaster on Doom_Dealer. Seprithro and t7 carry their own items.

I would have like to make more balanced enemies but due to time constraints, it was impossible.
If an interest is shown, I could turn this mod into a smuggling mission.


To install the mod:

Put the files contained in the folder called "For override" in your override directory.
Default location is: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Override

Drop the files contained in the folder called "For Modules" in your Modules folder.
Default location is: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Modules

To remove, delete the files from your override folder and remove the 4 following files
from your modules folder:



The Models by svösh (hv88 blasters), Seprithro (blaster model) and
t7nowhere (saber models + birthday cake) were included in this mod with their permission.

NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod – like most of the mods in the JumpStationZ Archive - has not been tested recently.  (Note the creation date above precedes both K1CP and K1R.)  If you download and install this mod, you assume all risk.  Additionally, you may note that this mod has no screenshots other than the old JumpStationZ logo and the title of the mod.  Feel free to include screenshots with your review if you feel moved to.


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