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A strange bug - every NPC attacks me.

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Hello everyone, 

I have a weird occurrence where literally all NPCs attack me, I believe it was triggered after I killed Xor, I got a black screen and then the Korriban Czerka NPCs started attacking me. I travelled to Yavin Station to collect the last items from Suvam Tan and it triggered the Trandoshans going hostile, then Suvam Tan went hostile and so did all the Gizka. I then travelled to Tatooine and all the Czerka attack me there haha. I downloaded the mods below, I deleted Improved AI after the hostility bug, but it still didn't fix the issue haha. 

I downloaded and used every mod from this mod build:

I also downloaded this mod: 


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I just killed Xor on Korriban and everything went fine, except he had Selkath helpers, that is my fault, but noone else attacked so i think my KotOR1 - Improved AI mod is safe to use. I'm going to replace those Selkath thugs with generic ones.


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