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TXI and Material limitations

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So there is no alpha and environment map combo? and there is no alpha and normal map combo? Wondering how distortion works/VFX then. Also I would love to use alphas, normal and environment map to get some convicting decals etc. 
It would be cool to have some TXI combos to reverse engineer, I can only dig up a few unless I am missing something. (I have gone through the TXI "this does that" page but it limited/has not combo information. or what works with what.
It would also be nice to get animating emissive texture, (the TXI texture part seems straight forward) going along with lights. I haven't looked into animating spot lights/scene lights or if thats possible. -Use case would be glowing screens, have the emissive pulse and have a animated light that affects the environment. 
I might post some pics of what I would be using them for. 

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8 hours ago, Zombiewells said:

It would also be nice to get animating emissive texture

Odyssey doesn't have emissive textures. Typically it uses the self-illuminated mesh option to achieve a similar result. In a small number of cases - mostly for character models - it uses an envmap (e.g. CM_Bright). For self illum you can use whatever animations are practical on that type of model, typically level models or placeables. For the most part this is usually just keying the self illum value between black and white to darken or lighten it (e.g. blinky lights in the Hawk cockpit). You can also change the colour of the self illum itself this way, but since the colour is multiplied with the texture this generally doesn't work so hot for complex applications. Your other options are the usual position/rotation/scale/mesh alpha.

8 hours ago, Zombiewells said:

have a animated light that affects the environment

This would require an actual light in the model, which then has the appropriate animation controlling its brightness/colour. You can see this type of thing with certain placeables. The prologue Hawk module in TSL should also have a good number of flickering lights to examine.

8 hours ago, Zombiewells said:

Wondering how distortion works/VFX then

There's a specific procedural noise "distort" semantic. It's almost exclusively used for water.

8 hours ago, Zombiewells said:

It would be cool to have some TXI combos to reverse engineer

Here are all the TXIs (bar the lightmap ones) from both games:



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Hate to ask, looking at the MDLs for the ebon and also checking out the M12aa and I am seeing lights but no settings that seem to get them to flicker. Tried looking into the layouts, etc. I assume the lights get additional information some where else? 

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It's in the animations, as I mentioned above:

On 11/2/2023 at 1:15 PM, DarthParametric said:

This would require an actual light in the model, which then has the appropriate animation controlling its brightness/colour.


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