
Taris dueling arena crash (FIXED)

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Hello all! I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question. Quite frankly I'm not even sure it can be answered but I figured there's no harm in asking.

My problem is exactly as the title says. I speak to Ajuur to set me up with a duel. I get to the cutscene, the announcer introduces Duncan, then introduces me... and then I get a crash to desktop. No error message, no nothing. I'm running like a 100 mods but the only ones that are affecting that specific module should be K1R and some mods for armor/weapon visuals upgrade.

Anyone got any pointers as to what may be causing this? Thanks in advance for the reply!

Update: I started experiencing some other annoying crashes when looting crates and other stuff, which prompted me to research this issue further. I eventually stumbled on this Reddit post and adjusted the menu font size to very big. The font mod in question is this one. The uploader has left information that the font size which I had chosen causes crashes, but I seem to have missed that. In any case, changing the font size also solved my issue with the crashing within the Taris dueling arena module. Figured I should update this post in case anyone else happens to experience this issue.

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