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When was the Exile Exiled?

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I always thought it happened immediately after the Mandalorian Wars ended, but Kavar's dialog in the Onderon Cantina indicates that it happened after Revan's attack on the Republic.


Did I miss something somewhere?

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According to Wookieepedia, the Battle of Malachor V took place in 3,960 BBY, and Revan and Malak returned in 3,959 BBY, a year later.. But everything with the mandalorians was probably not over when the Battle of Malachor ended, so you have to add some time to that, and the Jedi Council probably had a debate on what to do with the exile, so that could explain why there's a year of delay... But it surely was after Revan returned to known space, the Jedi on the Council speak of Revan and how they can't be vulnerable on two fronts.

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  bead-v said:
... the Jedi Council probably had a debate......


Ahhh, yes. They would most certainly have spent an inordinate amount of time on the subject! Thanks!!!


I don't know how I got the 2-year delay stuck in my head. I probably remembered a dialog from K1 incorrectly.

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I believe that from the info on Wookieepedia that It sounds like the Exile went back to the Council shortly after the even on Malachor V. I'm guess no more then 2 months. The Council mentions nothing about Revan attacking the Republic but only talks about the path of Revan. This would be how he conducted himself with he battle of Malachor V.


If Battle of Malachor V took place in 3,960 BBY, then the Exile would have seen the council in 3,960 BBY or 3,959 BBY if it happen close to the change in the galactic year calendar.


If Revan did attack the Republic while the Exile was coming back to the council, I'm sure the meeting would not have been so calm. Also the Exile might have taken arms up against Revan depending on her mental state.


Basically by the time Revan came back and launched his attack on the Republic the Exile has been long gone on her Exile. This also explains why the Exile was clueless in her conversation with Atton in the begining of kotor2.


I hope this helps.



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OK, let me wrap my mind around this whole thing:


K1= -3956

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki


From Dorak's K1 dialog:

All contact was lost. For many months it was assumed some great disaster had befallen the entire fleet. Everyone thought they were dead.......Three years ago, Revan and Malak returned at the head of a massive invasion fleet. Revan had assumed the title of Sith Lord; the hero had become a conqueror.


Therefore, Revan returned in -3959


I assumed that "many months" meant two years. I thought K1 took place 5 years after the end of the Mandlorian wars for some reason.


TSL= "approximately five years after the conclusion of the first game" (which is where I think I got confused. I must have incorrectly remembered this as the K1/Mandalorian wars time line)

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki


Exile returns: -3951

The Exile "wandered the periphery of known space for nearly a decade"

Jedi Exile - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki


So, "nearly a decade"=8 Years.


Therefore, it took the council exactly "many months" to haul the Exile in for exiling.


Yes, it is all crystal clear now:p

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All contact was lost. For many months it was assumed some great disaster had befallen the entire fleet. Everyone thought they were dead.......Three years ago, Revan and Malak returned at the head of a massive invasion fleet. Revan had assumed the title of Sith Lord; the hero had become a conqueror.I believe that from the info on Wookieepedia that It sounds like the Exile went back to the Council shortly after the even on Malachor V. I'm guess no more then 2 months. The Council mentions nothing about Revan attacking the Republic but only talks about the path of Revan. This would be how he conducted himself with he battle of Malachor V.

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