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Strange French translations. Traces of an old intention of Obsidian?

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I have found two strange sentences.


Something, in French, has no correspondence in the English dialog.tlk file:


"If they pursue us, they will persue her too. We must help her.


Out of question to leave her here. We must either act together or abstain."


These translations come in place of, respectively:



Revan was captured in the middle of the Jedi Civil War, due in no small part to her apprentice, Malak, who turned on her.



It is said that she returned to her first Master at the end of her training, in order to learn how she might best leave the order.


They appear in a dialogue with Mical when the Exile is male and Revan female.


French dialog.tlk have been corrected and uploaded.


But it seems that a scene was to show the group discussing the opportunity and ability to rescue Revan.


This seems then to be one of many allusions to the fact that Kotor 2 was an introduction to a Kotor 3, which will probably never emerge.

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